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For Second Consecutive Year, Blood of St. Januarius Fails to Liquefy on Mount Vesuvius Eruption Anniversary…

During the miracle, the dried, red-colored mass confined to one side of the reliquary becomes blood that covers the entire glass. In local lore, the failure of the blood to liquefy signals war, famine, disease, or other disaster.

Msgr. Vincenzo de Gregorio, abbot of the Royal Chapel of the San Gennaro Treasure, opened a safe containing a reliquary at 9 a.m. local time on Dec. 16, according to local media.

The reliquary was displayed in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary during morning Mass.

At the end of the Mass, broadcast live by the Italian television channel Canale 21, the blood was checked again but remained solid. The celebrant urged the congregation to intensify their prayers, but not to be afraid.

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Locals will continue to pray throughout the day that the miracle takes place.

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