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Free Printable: Gutsy and Gentle a Prayer for Women

Free Printable: Gutsy and Gentle a Prayer for Women

Who likes free gifts and prayers worth praying for the next generation of women? For yourself?

Our wonderful contributor, Sarah Dohman, is creating a free printable for our readers once a month for all of 2017. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to put this beautiful artwork on your walls. Make sure to follow us, so that you won’t miss one. You can also find us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

January’s Anchored Printables are prayers written for the woman who longs to be both gutsy and gentle. We live in a culture that can range from asking us to be silent to asking us to be nasty, but God calls us to more. We can live filled with a passion to stand against injustice and still be kind. We can live gently and still be gutsy.  This prayer was written by our founder, Chara Donahue, for her young girls. However, now she finds herself praying it for herself and her friends. Now we are asking you to pray with us for yourself, the next generation, and the women of the world.

May your days be filled with gutsy boldness and gentle peace. With love,

The Anchored Voices team

Gutsy Gentle Woman PreviewClick Here to Download the PDF of the Gutsy and Gentle Woman Prayer

Gutsy Gentle daughters PreviewClick Here to Download the PDF of the Gutsy and Gentle Prayer for Daughters

Find more free printables from Sarah Dohman here.

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