Facing a mountain of backlash for featuring the movie “Cuties” on its platform, Netflix has defended its decision by protesting that, by engaging in soft kiddie porn, the movie means to condemn it. Okay. I am sure claiming good intentions will really chasten the pedophiles and perverts watching 11-year-old girls getting their pants pulled down, twerking on their hands and knees in their underwear, and other pre-pubescent sex simulations.
All of the statistics about child sexualization are horrifying. At any given moment approximately 10 million children are being victimized through trafficking and exploitation. Often these child victims — as young as toddlers — are featured getting raped repeatedly on PornHub. The human monsters who run that site sometimes get around to taking these videos down.
How is this happening? The simple answer is that human trafficking is a $150 billion business. A deeper reason is that we have long accepted, winked, and nodded at the sexualization of children in ways that are different in degree but not in kind.
The architects of The Frankfurt School, who sought to bring revolution to the West, explicitly sought and planned for sexualizing children in the way that has occurred in our culture. The Frankfurters believed the family is an authoritarian obstacle to revolution, and that monogamy is inherently repressive to sexual desire.
According to their ideology of neo-Marxism combined with neo-Freudianism, sexual repression is intimately linked with political oppression. Dismantling the integrity of the family through the sexual liberation of father, mother, and child was deemed an essential step to political power. While we are accustomed to the Free Love movement in adults, there is a shadow movement aimed at children that has been happening for decades under our noses.
It is difficult to accept that the sexualization of children was a premeditated movement. In my upcoming book, “Awake, Not Woke” (TAN Books, Spring 2021), I explore the history of how the neo-Marxist revolution planted into thought, media, and education the seeds of our undoing.
One leftist dogma directly tied to the sexualization of kids is that in the world of leftist academic critical theory, innocence is dominance and therefore a threat to woke ideology. In reality, preserving childhood innocence generally means shielding them from adult sexuality, sexual perversions, violence.
But innocence of such things has two negative ramifications for leftist ideology: it perpetuates the idea that traditional sexual behavior between one man and one woman in marriage is the norm, and therefore preferred and dominant way of being. The left says sexuality that veers from these norms is marginalized, and that this marginalization is wrong.
This leads to the second ramification: sheltering children from perversion discourages children who might be inclined toward such things from acting on their desires for fear of being shamed or seeming weird.
In 2019, Catholic writer Sohrab Ahmari put a spotlight on Drag Queen Story Hour as a cultural moment that demands Christians to stand up and say “no.” Debates ensued, and some fellow conservative interlocutors tended to focus on free speech laws, missing the deeper point.
The brazenness of the ideology behind this burgeoning effort in public libraries was another stake in the ground declaring the new moral societal goal: disrupting innocent children’s natural instincts by training them to “undo their gender binaries” and think in terms of gender fluidity. It was not about carving out free speech — it was about revolutionizing thought.
Multiple videos appeared of such events, in which men dressed as women taught children to turn their backs, bend over, and shake their bottoms. In some videos, moms smile, clap, and nod encouragingly at their children, who laugh nervously or look uncomfortable. To the left, that discomfort is their innate, bigoted instincts, which the trans activists are there to reprogram.
The stated effort of Drag Queen Story Hour is teaching children to be tolerant. The less stated goal is that trans activism in libraries can help a child become open to other sexual identities. The even less-stated, but fundamental, goal is unsurprisingly to disrupt the power dominance and oppression of “heteronormativity” and “cis-normativity.”
It is not just trans activism that is trending at your local library. This year, a Maryland public library hosted their second lesbian pole dancer’s “teens-only” sex ed class for 12- to 17-year-olds — no parents allowed.
The host, Bianca Palmisano, is openly into BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism) and has expressed a desire to normalize among young people such things as, “polyamorous relationships, homosexuality, prostitution, drug use, swingers, anal sex, etcetera.” All this while woke parents sit outside waiting to hear what 12-year-old Katelyn learned about pole dancing and sadism at the library. The slow march through the institutions is robustly inclusive of the library system.
In 2017 (and rebooted in 2019), Teen Vogue, a magazine aimed at girls aged 12-17, came out with a “Guide to Anal Sex” full of tips and encouragement for the message that there is nothing wrong, and a lot that is fun, about sodomy. Some cautions were included such as, “If you regularly engage in anal sex, particularly with gay or bisexual men who are not monogamous, you might also consider taking PrEP.” PrEP is a drug intended to enable sex with HIV-positive people by making HIV transmission less likely — but still not completely “safe.”
The article was full of nauseating tips, and a warning that fecal matter might be involved. The writer quickly assured the kids not to worry! That is just part of it.
This same magazine also featured an article singing the praises of Karl Marx as a revolutionary who fought for the working class against the oppressive rich and inspired movements in Soviet Russia, China, and Cuba. There is no mention of the millions of corpses that resulted from Marx’s diabolical ideas, or his raging racism, misogyny, and obsession with destruction. Instead, it is capitalism that is claimed to be violent, and the young readers are encouraged to understand the revolutionary spirit and discern how they can apply it to today.
Middle school girls are learning from such sources as Teen Vogue and putting these lessons into action. An acquaintance of mine was horrified to find out from her daughter that anal sex has become normal, and somewhat expected, at her middle school.
There are too many examples of the grooming of girls — from Planned Parenthood protecting child predators to the entire ethos of the brand Pink, a lingerie shop targeting teens and owned by one of Jeffrey Epstein’s former close associates. From The Atlantic:
Pink features bright colors, like candy, and includes pajamas, swimwear, skin care, and accessories, as well as underwear. In 2013, Pink launched a marketing campaign called ‘Bright Young Things,’ which drew attention to lacy underwear emblazoned with I dare you across the rear, beach towels and tote bags that read kiss me, and a T-shirt with a low neckline that read enjoy the view. Most disturbing: a pink-and-orange thong with ‘call me’ printed on the crotch.
Like so much marketing to girls, the real audience is bad men. No wonder the trans and androgyny movements hold such sway for teens. For a girl who is inundated with the thumping, droning rot of the sexual revolution, it might start to look appealing to divest of her sexuality altogether. Even this is the end goal of the ideology — to eliminate sexual distinctions.
Maybe we can think twice before we shrug about loose internet access for our kids, or giggle and bop our heads with our preteens to the latest Cardi B sex song, or post photos of our daughters and friends before the school dance in their body-con mini dresses turned away from the camera and looking over their shoulders pouting. Maybe it’s just fashion and fun, but it is also of a piece of a movement almost too diabolical to wrap our minds around.
Still, we had better. The architects of the Frankfurt School could not have fathomed how effective their plan would be. Let’s stop participating in it — starting with canceling Netflix.