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On Eve of Becciu Hearing, Pope Tells Vatican Judges: ‘Listen to Everyone’…

On the eve of the Vatican’s trial of Cardinal Angelo Becciu for fraud, Pope Francis spoke to the city state’s court system about the importance of working together and listening to everyone to ensure a fair process.

Synodality in judicial matters, the pope said on March 12, “means that all the participants in the process … are called to contribute to the ascertainment of the truth through the adversarial process, the confrontation of arguments and the careful examination of evidence.”

“This walking together therefore requires an exercise in listening, which, as we know, belongs to the very nature of a fair trial,” he added.

Becciu, who was forced to resign from the rights of members of the College of Cardinals in September 2020, has been charged with embezzlement, abuse of office, and subornation of perjury.

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