
Who Are We Really? Beth McCord & Esther Fleece Allen Show Us God Knows

Beth McCord: So often we go with what our personality is telling us, the less healthy parts, instead of believing the truth, which is usually harder to follow. But when we trust Him, He will give us the strength to follow the healthier path for each of our personality types. Who Are We Really? Beth McCord & Esther Fleece Allen Show Us God Knows – Episode #181 Narrator: Welcome to the Jesus Calling Podcast. This week’s guests share the blessings of getting to know ourselves and who God created us to be—Enneagram coach Beth McCord and author Esther Fleece Allen.  First up, Beth McCord is passionate about helping others find meaningful relationships and a life of deep purpose using a tool called the Enneagram, a system of personality typing that describes the different ways people vi...

Finding True Satisfaction

I am the culmination of all your hopes and desires. . . . I have lifted you out of darkness into My marvelous light. – Jesus Calling, October 11   What is your heart longing for? It’s the time of year we start pondering our New Year’s resolutions, and all the things we want to gain, achieve, and experience in the months ahead. We dream about how we could be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled 365 days from now. It’s easy to create that resolutions list and think, If I could just have this or do that, I’ll finally be happy. We think if we could lose those pounds, get that job, buy that car, then we’ll experience lasting contentment. But the problem is, we confuse our current desire with our core longing, the message each of our hearts so desperately longs to hear. We hope, plan...

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