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Fisher of Men

3 Indispensable Heart-Qualities

3 Indispensable Heart-Qualities

Why did Jonah run from God? Some would argue that we have no clear explanation, but I believe that Scripture interprets Scripture, and in chapter 4, we get a window onto Jonah’s heart: Jonah ran from God because Jonah didn’t share the heart of God.

There are three areas of divergence between the heart that motivated God and the heart that motivated Jonah.

1. Grief

God looked at Nineveh and was deeply broken. How could creation live in such opposition to the original plan? Sin robs people and families and cultures of what was meant to be beautiful.

The Church of Jesus Christ should be the saddest community on earth. We should look at our neighbors and grieve over the people missing out on God’s best for their life. But like Jonah, we’re often too selfish to care.

2. Zeal

God’s grief never results in passive lamenting; it results in zealous action. From the moment sin entered the world, God was crafting a plan to deliver his creation from bondage. Sending Jonah to Nineveh was part of this zealous plan for worldwide redemption.

The Church of Jesus Christ should be the most active community on earth, zealous to love our neighbors and reach the lost. God’s plan is that those living around you would hear the Gospel of salvation, through you. But like Jonah, we’re often too passive to care.

3. Grace

God sent a prophet to Nineveh, not to condemn, but to save. Yes, he would expose their sin in the process, but “the Lord is patient … not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

The Church of Jesus Christ should be the most forgiving community on earth. We’re more like our lost neighbors than unlike them, so how hypocritical is it for us to lead with the law instead of grace? But like Jonah, we’re often too self-righteous to care.

Jonah failed to share the heart of God, and as a result, he failed to care for the lost. If you want have an effective ministry and reach those far from God, start with your heart. Programs and strategies are important, but they’re useless without a heart filled with grief, zeal, and grace.

Let’s not be too hard on Jonah; every day we run away from the call of God. But don’t be too hard on yourself, either. Jonah is included in Scripture because we do fail and we do run, only to be rescued by God’s grace once again. This prophet’s testimony gives hope to selfish, lazy, and hypocritical rebels like me and you.

Reflection Questions

  1. How did you run from God’s call on your life this week?
  2. Think of a moment when you failed to share God’s grief. How would you have responded differently sharing his heart?
  3. Think of a moment when you failed to share God’s zeal. How would you have responded differently sharing his heart?
  4. Think of a moment when you failed to share God’s grace. How would you have responded differently sharing his heart?
  5. How does the Lord’s response to Jonah give you hope for your daily struggles?

 *This post originally appeared here at Used by permission.

Paul David Tripp is the president of Paul Tripp Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose mission statement is “Connecting the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.” Tripp is also professor of pastoral life and care at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, Texas, and executive director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas. Tripp has written many books on Christian living that are read and distributed internationally. He has been married for many years to Luella, and they have four grown children. For more information, visit

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