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Fisher of Men

Anchor Mailing To Chaplains on the Border

Anchor Mailing To Chaplains on the Border

We’d like you to pray with us about a new open door.Last week we sent out a mailing to chaplains serving the detention centers on our Southern border. We’re offering them free copies of An Anchor for the Soul in English and Spanish. The letter includes this endorsement from a prison chaplain in New Mexico:

For many years I have been giving out the Anchor for the Soul book to inmates in New Mexico, literally thousands to new Christians or to those seeking to understand the Gospel. It has been one of the best tools I can give to inmates as they start down this road to Christ.

As chaplain I have approximately 450 ICE detainees from all over the world who have entered the country illegally and are being processed for asylum or deportation, as well as about 400 US Marshal inmates awaiting Federal prison issues to be resolved. The detainees take it as fast as I put it on the shelf because they are so hungry for anything about Jesus.

We mailed the first packets last week and will mail more in the weeks to come. Would you pray with us that God will open the door to put Anchors in the hands of men and women who need to know Jesus?

Thanks in advance for your prayers and your support!

PS Click here sign up for the free email sermons.

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