Author: S&P

7 Suggestions When God Is Silent

Elijah had been used of God to hold back rain from the people for over three years, because of their sins. Obviously, he was not well liked as a preacher. I can imagine the stress he experienced during those years. Something strikes me, however, that seems to further complicate Elijah’s situation. Consider 1 Kings 18:1: “After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: “G...

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Suspended

GQ Magazine, which isn’t exactly famous for promoting a God-fearing view of the world or social issues, is enjoying a meteoric boost in publicity these days due to writer Drew Magary’s candid interview of “Duck Dynasty” star, Phil Robertson. In his interview published in GQ’s January 2014 issue, Phil “the Duck Commander” Robertson voiced traditional Christian views of marriage and sexuality with h...

The Real Reason You Need Christmas

Time off work, a year-end bonus, receiving gifts on your wish list… none of those things are bad in themselves. But you can get all of those things without Christmas. So, they can’t be the ultimate reason you need Christmas, right? Maybe you’re on the opposite side of the spectrum: you don’t think you need Christmas at all. The decorating, awkward family gatherings, shopping, and...

Advent Week 4

Introduction               On the fourth Sunday of Advent (Advent IV), we celebrate God’s faithfulness in sending Jesus, and we remember that faithfulness as we look forward to Christ’s second coming. The Scripture and Theology of the Fourth Week of Advent Scripture readings for Advent IV focus on the coming of the Messiah who fulfills God’s covenant with David, ...

‘Tis the Season…

Every year at Christmastime, like clockwork, you can expect the mainstream media to come out with some sort of “fresh” perspective on Jesus. We see this on TV specials and in magazines and reports. Since December has just begun, I thought I’d be pro-active in answering the critics. The basic questions are these: Can we trust the Bible? Can we trust the Gospels? If they were put on trial, as in a c...

A Three-Point Plan for Effective Discipling

Years ago, my friend Elizabeth came to me with a question.  A young lady in her church asked if she would be her mentor.   The young lady picked an excellent choice, because Elizabeth is a wise, spiritually mature, Godly woman.  However, as Elizabeth was discussing this request, she turned to me with a bit of apprehension and asked, “What exactly does she want me to do with her...

Getting Rid of Guilt

Guilt. When everything else is quiet, it’s the disquietness within you saying, “I wish I had never done that.” “I wish I could go back and do that differently.” Older men may have guilt for failing to be present and intentional in their children’s lives when they were small. Women sometimes have it over their role in early pregnancies. Teammates have guilt for missing the winning catch or shot. Th...

Advent Week 3: Rejoice! God Is With Us

Introduction The third Sunday in Advent (Advent III) shifts from a tone of expectation of Christ’s coming to one of rejoicing at the arrival of God’s kingdom with the coming of Jesus. The Scripture and Theology of the Third Week of Advent Scripture readings for Advent III reflect on the salvation and restoration Jesus brings, which is cause for rejoicing and perseverance. Old Testament Readings &n...

Week Two of Advent

  Introduction The second Sunday in Advent (Advent II) continues on the path started in the first week by looking forward to Christ’s first and second coming. Advent II focuses on John the Baptist, the Gentiles being included in God’s family, Christ’s coming in judgment and peace, and the church’s hopeful expectation of the completion of his promises. The Scripture and Theology of the Second ...

Christians, Alcohol, and the Bible

“Don’t drink, don’t chew, don’t go with girls that do.” It may be bad poetry, but at least it has the virtue of being clear. And fifty years ago, many American Evangelicals would have agreed that alcohol consumption was a sure sign of worldliness, if not a lack of genuine faith altogether. But times have changed, as a recent CT article shows, citing Moody Bible Institute lifting its ban on alcohol...

A Very “Selfie” World

By now you may have heard that Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year is “selfie.”  Clueless?  It’s a reference to a smartphone self-portrait, now shorthand for any self-taken photograph.  Pictures used to be taken, and later shown, as a way of saying “We were there.”  Now, they are taken and instantly relayed through social media to say, “We are here.” It’s a good word for our d...

Beware of “Black Friday”

Crosswalk Editor Debbie Wright sits down with Mary Hunt to discuss her new book Debt-Proof Your Christmas and ways to make your Holiday season special without breaking the bank. Originally published November 27, 2013.