Author: S&P

4 Keys to Accepting Compliments Well

A surprisingly difficult aspect of the Christian life is accepting and receiving compliments. It’s not that we don’t appreciate compliments or find them encouraging. But there is a danger of basing our identity upon them, or simply receiving them in the wrong way. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned how to receive compliments better. Here are 4 keys I’ve discovered: 1) Listen and Give Glory t...

Too Heavenly Minded, No Earthly Good?

One of the worst things a Christian can ever do is begin thinking their faith is their own personal private business. Shallow relationships with other Christians are one of the best ways to guarantee that you will become discouraged in your faith, drawn into sin, and compromised in your joy. In America especially, we’re drawn towards this hermit-like approach to our spiritual life. We intuitively ...

6 Costs of Real Friendship

While doing a study on accountability I came across a few articles about the seriousness of friendship, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. We tend to use the word “friend” quite carelessly. Any person we have a few conversations with, work with, or “like” on Facebook we call “friend.” This is not necessarily bad, but through it, I believe, we are losing the real meaning of Bi...

Is God Mad at Me?

Do you find it difficult to figure out how God’s mercy and wrath go together? Maybe you stumble over God’s wrath, wondering how a loving God could be wrathful. Perhaps you doubt God’s mercy, thinking God could never forgive you for the sins you’ve committed. It’s interesting to see how which you prefer affects how you behave toward others. Those who readily embrace the concept of God’s judgment of...

What Compels Compliance?

The other day I saw a truck that made me laugh out loud. It was a truck from Premier Booting Services, one of those companies that comes to put the bulky metal lock on your front tire when you’ve parked illegally. Not that funny, right? What was funny was their slogan: “Your Source for Parking Compliance.” Something about that line struck me as appropriate for the Ministry of Information in G...

5 Motivations to Pray

For years, when I thought about prayer, I mostly felt guilty for my lack of a robust prayer life. Reading stories of great saints praying for two hours a day or more left me with a gnawing sense of defeat. I would often resolve to pray more. But the resolves didn’t last. One day I realized that something had changed. While not exactly satisfied with my prayer life, I knew that I had one. I’m sure ...

Cancel Halloween?

“Do you let your kids do Halloween?” My coworkers and I discussed this recently as we decompressed from our Monday morning meeting. It’s an interesting discussion to have with fellow believers because we’re so split on the issue. Although rarely does anyone declare you a gospel-compromising heretic if you allow your kids to go trick-or-treating, it’s not uncommon to g...

What Does Parenthood Teach about God?

My daughter Madrid turned one a few weeks ago—an opportune milestone to reflect on what the Lord has taught me this past year. Many of these things I already knew, but I understand them better now having experienced one year of fatherhood. (And I’m nowhere close to comprehending them completely!) Here are the six things I understand better:  1) God’s love I have discovered more about God’s lo...

Are Today’s Churches Too Generational?

Did you hear the latest research about the attitudes of Millennials? Me neither. I’m being sarcastic, but kind of serious. It’s good to study the trends and behaviors of the next generation so we can adapt our ministry methods for gospel advance and the edification of those we are called to serve. Still, my experience tells me that that the kind of ministry that best builds up the body of Christ i...

Columbus Day: Oct 13, 2014

Probably every American school child old enough to study history has heard the little rhyme, “In October, 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”, and the story has often been told of Columbus’ dream of finding the East or Asia by sailing west. Columbus is often held up as an example of someone who set goals for himself and would not give up when obstacles to achieving those goals ...

7 Tests to Determine if Your Worship Is Christian or Pagan

[Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to the author’s previous article at entitled: “Is Your Church Worship More Pagan than Christian?“] “To be human is to worship.” Those are the opening words of Daniel Block’s excellent new book on worship, For the Glory of God. Men and women are inveterate worshippers. Paul makes this clear in Romans 1. Even those who reje...

When Should You Correct Another Christian?

We live in an age hostile to correction. “No” has become a four-letter word in the modern vernacular. Our non-Christian friends don’t want to be told their unbelief warrants God’s judgment. That’s to be expected. But often our Christian friends don’t want to be corrected, either. And that’s sad, because a rebuke can be good for the soul. “The wise of heart,” says Solomon, “will receive correction”...