
Pope Francis Merges Two Dioceses in Japan…

The new archdiocese has just 51,413 Catholics, less than a third of 1% of the area’s 19 million inhabitants. The total population of the Archdiocese of Osaka has remained mostly steady over the past 20 years, while the number of inhabitants of the Diocese of Takamatsu declined 9% from 2000 to 2020. The number of Catholics in the Diocese of Takamatsu declined by 4% and the number of priests almost halved over the same period. The Catholic Church in Japan has 15 dioceses. According to the latest available Vatican statistics, Catholics make up just .5% of the population in the largely secular country. Approximately half of these Catholics are foreign nationals let into the country as temporary workers in unskilled jobs. Pope Francis at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial on Nov. 24, 2019, during his...

Giuseppe Profiti, an unwitting metaphor for the ambiguities of Vatican justice, dies at 62…

ROME – With the sudden death of Giuseppe Profiti on Aug. 10 from a heart attack, at the relatively young age of 62, not only has Italy lost one of its most veteran leaders in public health administration, but the Catholic Church has lost a figure who became an unwitting metaphor for the ambiguities of Vatican justice in the Pope Francis era. Born in Calabria in southern Italy, Profiti graduated in public administration from the University of Genoa in 1985 and began a long career as a manager of hospitals and public health systems, mostly in the Liguria region in which Genoa is located, earning a reputation for efficient leadership and sound financial management. In a tribute to his even-handedness, he was able to serve regional governments of both left and right. In Genoa, he also came to ...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus Walks on Water…

Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee and inviting an incredulous Peter to do the same. He starts out successfully then, lacking faith, begins to drown, only to be rescued by Jesus. First, let’s address the miracle. Moderns may not be inclined to believe it; they may call it a nice “story” but deny its truth. Nobody can walk on water and why would anybody do so, anyway?  Aspects of our Western intellectual tradition are perhaps responsible for this refusal to believe, especially in miracles. Two philosophical currents — deism and logical positivism — conspire against it, especially in the Anglo-American mind (given the prominence of those currents in British and American thought). Deism turned the universe into a wind-up world characterized by God’s Real Absence...

Our Lady’s Assumption and Coronation were God’s gifts to her — and to us…..

Our Lady’s Assumption into heaven was more of a continuation than an end. Yes, it signaled the conclusion of her earthly life. But the Assumption was for Mary the logical next step. Her fidelity to Christ in this life translated into everlasting glory with him in the next. Our Blessed Mother is now in paradise where she prays for us to her Divine Son and awaits our victorious entry into the kingdom of God — the “New Jerusalem.” The Lord God raised up this obedient woman and granted her a fitting place next to Christ. As Our Lady unceasingly cooperated with Jesus on earth, she would now be close to him in heaven. As the Messiah was victorious over Satan, so was Mary. It is not a mere calendar coincidence that the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aug. 15, and the memor...

The Assumption, the news, and why I don’t like ‘Oppenheimer’…

The Assumption, the news, and why I don’t like ‘Oppenheimer’ Skip to content Hey everybody, Blessed Solemnity!  Today the Church celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which, for most readers of The Pillar is a day of precept — so get to Mass, if you’ve not been already! The Assumption is the sort of solemnity with great customs of processions and festivals to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.  In New Jersey, where I’m from, a growing number of parishes are taking up again a longstanding Assumption custom that had, for some, fallen by the wayside.  They’ll have processions to the beach after Mass, carrying aloft a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In some communities, a priest will be rowed out past the waves, where he’ll bless the water of the...

Mary, the Mother of God, is not buried anywhere — which is a cause of great joy for all of us…

We are not going to make you wait for the answer. Mary, the Mother of God, is not buried anywhere.

‘Body and Soul to the Glory of Heaven’: The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary…

Angelus Angelus Dómini nuntiávit Mariæ.Et concépit de Spíritu Sancto.Ave Maria… Ecce ancílla Dómini.Fiat mihi secúndum verbum tuum.Ave Maria… Et Verbum caro factum est.Et habitávit in nobis.Ave Maria… Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei génetrix.Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi. Orémus.Grátiam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine,méntibus nostris infunde;ut qui, Ángelo nuntiánte, Christi Fílii tui incarnatiónem cognóvimus, per passiónem eius et crucem, ad resurrectiónis glóriam perducámur. Per eúndem Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen. Gloria Patri… (ter)Requiem aeternam… Benedictio Apostolica seu Papalis Dominus vobiscum.Et cum spiritu tuo.Sit nomen Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus,Pa ter, et Fi lius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen. The Angelus Prayer The Angel of the Lord d...

Priest First and Soldier Second: ‘God Gave Me the Gift of Serving Those Who Serve in the Army’…

BALTIMORE — “Becoming an Army chaplain was my first thought when I first considered being a priest,” says Father Peter Pomposello. “I had been in the Army through the Reserve Officer Training Corps; and when I first started thinking about being a priest, I said to myself, ‘Well, they need priests in the Army so I should be a priest for the Army!’”  However, it was not as simple as that, as he explains: “I needed the permission of my bishop; and, after lots of twists and turns, seven years of study, 10 years in parish work, and by the grace of God and the generosity of my archbishop, I now serve as an active-duty military chaplain.”  Today, he is a Catholic priest with the Archdiocese for the Military Services. In addition, he serves in the U.S. Army as a priest recruiter. His mis...

The Secret Sisterhood of Widows…

Like so many other widows, I’ve learned over the years that our suffering can become a balm for others who are facing that same reality. You can spot us in a fancy restaurant. We’re at a table for two from which the waiter has discreetly removed a place setting. We put on a good face as we sip our glass of wine and sample our salad. You might think we are people that simply love experiencing life alone. You might imagine us touring Europe all by ourselves and enjoying every moment. Another widow, however, knows the courage it takes to dine alone in public. She knows the little stab of sorrow that troubles the heart when there’s an empty chair at the table. She has experienced that panicky feeling when couples at Mass are hugging each other during the Sign of Peace, and she turns to her sid...

Sound Experts Use Latest Technology and 125 Miles of Fiber Optics to Restore Traditional Acoustics to St. Peter’s Basilica…

ROME – An architect and acoustics expert who’s worked on some of the most famous concert venues in the world said he brought a touch of rock and roll to a recently debuted new sound system in St. Peter’s Basilica, creating a wave of sound radiating out from the main altar. The system was used for the first time on July 23 for a Mass for the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, replacing an audio system in the basilica that had been installed almost a quarter-century ago for the Great Jubilee of 2000. In effect, Carlo Carbone says, the project was a “back to the future” exercise, using state-of-the-art technology to restore the acoustical experience faithful had before the Second Vatican Council, when the Mass was more sung than spoken. “Studying reverberation in churches made me refl...

‘Veritatis Splendor’ and the Spirituality of Youth…

The final Mass of World Youth Day Lisbon coincided with the 30th anniversary of Veritatis Splendor, one of the most important encyclicals of the entire post-conciliar period. Pope St. John Paul II formally signed it on the Transfiguration, Aug. 6, 1993, though, as is customary for Vatican documents, it was not released until later (Oct. 5).The anniversaries of Veritatis Splendor have been well marked, both on the 25th and now the 30th, in light of the encyclical’s landmark importance for moral theology. But the document was also infused with a spirituality of youth, the fruit of John Paul’s long pastoral experience with university students. The link between Veritatis Splendor and John Paul’s pastoral approach to youth is deep and profound. This past week illustrated that Pope Francis takes...

Eucharistic Vessels: Fête-Dieu du Teche Bayou Once Again Coincides With Solemnity of the Assumption…

The faithful kneel in the bow of a boat, prayerfully adoring our Eucharistic Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The gold monstrance glistens in the sun as the craft traverses the waterway, carrying Christ further along the bayou. These are among the reverent scenes from the annual Fête-Dieu du Teche South in the Pelican State. In this time of Eucharistic Revival, as proclaimed by the U.S. bishops, organizers see the event as a way to bring Christ into the public square, inspire faith and encourage conversions. The ninth Fête-Dieu du Teche, a 37-mile Eucharistic procession by boat up the Bayou Teche in the Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana, will be held on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aug. 15.   The procession will begin with 8am Mass in French — the language s...