
If you didn’t know that Jimmy Buffett was raised Catholic, the last line of ‘Margaritaville’ is a dead giveaway…..

Too often lately, it feels like the offices from which we’ve historically taken our cues — our political and community leadership, the punditry, local authorities and even some church groups — are populated with unserious people who can’t rise to a moment. Those who aren’t peddling pure boilerplate and calling it constructive thought are offering endless scolds about how we should live, think and speak, and how, if things aren’t getting better, it’s because we’re not doing enough of the right things. We should constantly be doing ever more of all these right things, it seems, until the world is saved and humanity perfected and then, finally, we may rest. These exhausting harangues have become as penetrating (and authentic) as prop knives. They fall upon our ears like an approaching storm w...

In ‘Frank and Sincere’ Meeting at Vatican, 45 Ukrainian Catholic Bishops Tell Pope His Statements Have Been ‘Painful and Difficult for the Ukrainian People’…

The pope “expressed his sorrow for the sense of helplessness experienced in the face of war, ‘a thing of the devil, who wants to destroy,’ with a special thought for the Ukrainian children he has met during audiences. ‘They look at you and have forgotten their smiles,’ he said, and added, ‘This is one of the fruits of war: to take the smile away from children.’” Shevchuk said in a press release: “This meeting was a time of mutual listening and an opportunity for frank and sincere dialogue.” “We expressed to the pope everything that our faithful in Ukraine and throughout the world entrusted us to convey to His Holiness,” he said.  Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk on Sept. 6, 2023, gave Pope Francis a prayer book, rosary, and missionary cross belonging to two Redemptorist priests, F...

The current synodal process seems blind to the meaning of our historical moment…

Facts and great personages in world history occur, as it were, twice . . . the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.” The Synod on Synodality seems destined to confirm Marx’s words (themselves a revision of Hegel). The tragedy arises from the deep theological and philosophical division that has plagued Catholic Christianity throughout the modern era, ever since God disappeared from the horizon and the Church became split between recalcitrant traditionalism and modernist historicism. Around the turn of the twentieth century, Maurice Blondel described the result in words perhaps even better suited to our own time: “With every day that passes, the conflict between tendencies which set Catholic against Catholic in every order—social, political, philosophical—is revealed as sharper and mo...

Ever wonder why your car’s shifter goes P-R-N-D? Here’s the reason…..

Welcome to Further Details, a series dedicated to ubiquitous but overlooked elements hidden on your favorite products. This week: something about your car’s automatic transmission you may have never noticed. If your car has an automatic transmission, the different positions you can shift into follow a specific pattern: P-R-N-D, usually followed by either a couple of lower gear options or the chance to shift it into a manual control mode. In case you’ve never driven (or, somehow, only driven cars with manual transmissions, in which place, god bless you), those four letters stand for Park, Reverse, Neutral and Drive — or, in layman’s terms, Stopped, Backwards, Free-Rolling and Forwards. You’ve probably shifted from Park to Drive a hundred thousand times, and from Drive to Reverse nearly as m...

If you want to be happy, stop comparing your achievements to others, and find new freedom in the Tenth Commandment (“You shall not covet…”)…..

Martin Seligman says, “Accomplishment or achievement is often pursued for its own sake, even when it brings no positive emotion, no meaning, and nothing in the way of positive relationships.” As human beings, we set goals and try to accomplish them. To fail to achieve our goals gives rise to a certain kind of unhappiness; to succeed gives rise to an element of happiness. Jesus’ parable of the talents points to the idea that Christians should make use of their gifts and abilities rather than allow laziness or sloth to get in the way of developing their talents. It would be wrong for someone, simply out of laziness, to fail to achieve what he could have achieved with his God-given potential. The Christian doctor should try to cure patients; the Christian teacher should try to instruct studen...

Why do so many faith-based “true story” movies turn out to be untrue?

Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to never miss a story. Religion Unplugged is a non-profit online religion magazine funded by The Media Project. Our journalists around the world bring you the latest religion news and views on the world’s religions in public life. Through our stories and editorial partnerships, we aim to increase religious literacy and go deeper into stories that affect people of faith the most.  Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

Buddhists remain a majority in China as the growth of Christianity struggles…..

Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to never miss a story. Religion Unplugged is a non-profit online religion magazine funded by The Media Project. Our journalists around the world bring you the latest religion news and views on the world’s religions in public life. Through our stories and editorial partnerships, we aim to increase religious literacy and go deeper into stories that affect people of faith the most.  Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

Vatican Clarifies Upcoming Beatification of Ulma Family, Says Evidence Reveals Youngest Member Was Newly Born at Time of Martyrdom…

VATICAN CITY, Sept 5 (Reuters) – The Catholic Church is to beatify a Polish family of nine including a new-born baby who died at the hands of the Nazis during World War Two, the Vatican’s saint-making department said on Tuesday. The service to beatify Jozef and Wiktoria Ulma and their seven children will be held on Sunday in the Polish town of Markowa where they died in March 1944. The family was killed by German military police for sheltering a family of Jews. The Ulmas hid them for a year and a half and were shot with them when Nazi guards discovered them. Beatification is the last step before sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican media have noted that it is the first time that an entire family has been honoured together in this manner. However, the Vatican’s ...

Pope Francis Gives Glimpse Into Vatican-China Deal, Reveals Join Commission on Appointment of Chinese Bishops…

The pope also responded to a question about the possibility of a papal trip to Vietnam, saying that he was “very positive about relations with Vietnam,” despite the problems in the past in the Holy See’s “slow” dialogue with the country’s socialist government, adding that he thinks that any future problems can be overcome. Pope Francis joked: “If I do not go [to Vietnam], I’m sure that [a future Pope] John XXIV will go!” The 86-year-old pope added: “To tell the truth, travel is not as easy for me as it was in the beginning.” He added that he has some physical limitations with walking that can make traveling more difficult, but that he is looking into the possibility of visiting a small country in Europe. Vietnam is home to an estimated 8 million Catholics but has never had full diplomatic ...

You know Pat Sajak from ‘Wheel of Fortune’ — but did you know he’s also a key leader at Hillsdale College, a hub for Catholic converts?

Kelly Cole, who is seen in this photo with two of her seven children William (right) and Alex (left), graduated from Hillsdale College and converted to Catholicism in 2002. Credit: Kelly Cole Cole, 43, said that “trying to faithfully engage with history and the history of Christendom and talking about our Judeo-Christian heritage just led to me feeling like I needed to take Catholicism seriously.” Earlier this year, the Diocese of Lansing posted a video highlighting the 2023 Easter Vigil at St. Anthony’s in which 24 people, 22 of them Hillsdale students, were received into the Catholic Church.  Today, Cole, her husband, Lee Cole — a professor at the college — and her seven children all reside in Hillsdale, where she serves on staff at the city’s St. Anthony Catholic Church, where she ...

The Pope’s visit to Mongolia is a classic example of the Vatican thinking in centuries…

ROME – Legendarily, the Vatican thinks in centuries. Jokingly, it’s sometimes been said that the Vatican’s working approach can be summarized as, “Talk to me on Wednesday, and I’ll get back to you in 300 years.” In that spirit, there’s a sense in which Pope Francis’s visit to Mongolia this week, the first ever by a pontiff, is a voyage that’s been almost 800 years in the making. It was precisely 778 years ago, in 1245, that an emissary of a pope first made his way to the court of a Mongol emperor, at that time seeking two results: First, the conversion of the Mongols to Catholic Christianity, and second, a promise that the Mongols would no longer menace the Christian kingdoms of Europe. At the time, Father John of Plano Carpini, a Franciscan missionary who represented Pope Innocent IV, app...

Are we becoming a nation of Gollums?

Skip to content Although we are halflings, we cannot remain halflings. We must either grow towards the wholeness of holiness or we must shrivel into the wreckage that Pride will make of our lives. Doing nothing is the sin of omission which leads to decay. We can either be Ring-bearers or Ring-wearers. We can either take up our cross or we can crucify ourselves. This week, I met a good friend of mine at a local restaurant, the first time we’d got together since before the onset of the pestilence. He is a Presbyterian pastor and a great lover of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. It was, in fact, Tolkien who had introduced us to each other, in the sense that we first met at a local Tolkien conference a few years ago. During the course of our conversation, my friend wondered whether Tolkien had som...