
Catholic academic blasts Vatican’s Academy for Life as ’embarassing’…

Listen to this story: ROME – A Catholic academic participating in a Rome conference this week, which intentionally rivals one held by the Pontifical Academy for Life earlier this year, has voiced concern over the body’s recent activities, saying he believes they are “embarrassing” the church by failing to uphold core moral teachings. “As a father and as a Catholic intellectual, I’m really concerned about what the Pontifical Academy for Life is and the picture of the Church that it’s portraying to the world,” said Fulvio Di Blasi, an Italian lawyer and expert in ethics and St. Thomas Aquinas. “It’s embarrassing,” he told Crux, saying, “It looks like, sometimes, the entire work of some people in the church is to justify homosexual sex, which is really ugly. I say ‘ugly’ because in classical ...

Deathbed conversions reveal the power of the Rosary and give hope for fallen-away Catholics…

Some of Father Sebastian Walshe’s greatest experiences as a priest is going to people’s deathbeds and giving them the sacraments. A younger me might have rolled my eyes. Fun guy, right? Now as a parent with some children who have left the Church, I find his story very exciting and hopeful.  “I have so much optimism as a priest when I talk to parents whose children have been away from the faith and there seems to be no hope,” he said in a talk, “The Grace of Deathbed Conversions,” for The Coming Home Network International. “I’m totally optimistic because I see what happens. I go to someone’s deathbed and the story is so often the same. … ‘I haven’t been to church in 40 years … I stopped practicing the faith when I was a teenager.’ And there’s this little call in their heart. When they ...

Why the French bishops have launched the world’s first canonical criminal court…

Bishops will also be in charge of implementing the sentences, which can fall under three categories known by canon law. PARIS, France — This month, the French Bishops’ Conference (CEF) established a new legal structure to deal with crimes and offenses committed by clerics and laity within the Church, including sexual abuse of adults. It is considered a world first: To date, no other bishops’ conference has implemented any national structure of this magnitude. The tribunal “pénal canonique” national — “national canonical criminal court,” TPCN — is to some degree the result of findings by the French Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (CIASE). In its October 2021 report, the commission demanded such a tribunal. The French bishops had already announced the creation o...

Bishop quits after finding role ‘too great a burden’ – Catholic Herald…

Having been unable to sell in churches for well over a year due to the pandemic, we are now inviting readers to support the Herald by investing in our future. We have been a bold and influential voice in the church since 1888, standing up for traditional Catholic culture and values. Please join us on our 130 year mission by supporting us. We are raising £250,000 to safeguard the Herald as a world-leading voice in Catholic journalism and teaching. For more information from our chairman on contributing to the Herald Patron’s Fund, click here. Donate £25.00 Donate £50.00 Donate £100.00 Donate £500.00 Donate £1000.00 Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe Draws Millions to Mexico City Shrine…

MEXICO CITY (AP) — It is one of the world’s most visited and beloved religious venues – the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, with a circular, tent-shaped roof visible from miles away and a sacred history that each year draws millions of pilgrims from near and far to its hilltop site in Mexico City. Early December is the busiest time, as pilgrims converge ahead of Dec. 12, the feast day honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe. To Catholic believers, the date is the anniversary of one of several apparitions of the Virgin Mary witnessed by an Indigenous Mexican man named Juan Diego in 1531. The COVID-19 pandemic curtailed the number of pilgrims in 2020. Last year, even with some restrictions still in place, attendance for the December celebrations rose to at least 3.5 million, according to local off...

On Solemnity of Immaculate Conception, House Passes ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ as Pelosi Declares ‘Spark of Divinity’ in Same-Sex Relationships…

“Today we stand up for the values the vast majority of Americans hold dear, a belief in the dignity, beauty, and divinity — divinity, a spark of divinity in every person — and abiding respect for love so powerful that it binds two people together,” the Democrat from California said. The final vote comes after the U.S. Senate, with the support of 12 Republicans, voted to pass the RFMA on Nov. 29. If it passes now, Biden, also a Catholic, has pledged to sign it into law. While it would not require any state to allow same-sex couples to marry, the RFMA would require states to recognize any and all marriages — regardless of “sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin” — performed in other states. The U.S. bishops stated in a November letter to Congress that the bill’s amendments do not sufficien...

Remembering Jean-Marie Lustiger, the son of Polish Jewish immigrants who became the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris…

The son of Ashkenazi Jews from Poland who immigrated to France during WWI, Aron Lustiger was baptized at 16 and would come to prefer to be addressed by his Christian name Jean-Marie. Ordained a priest, he rose in the Church to become Archbishop of Paris in 1981 and named cardinal by Pope John Paul II. His recollection of his conversion to Catholicism during a lengthy interview paints a picture of the beauty and spiritual attraction of the Church in France.† A voracious reader as a child, he recalls that at the age of ten he found a book about the martyrdom of English Catholics during the reformation: They were imprisoned and persecuted for their faith. In one way, it was totally incomprehensible, since I had not yet studied history and had no idea about England or the reformation, or the d...

Another pro-life victory around the corner? A looming ‘apocalyptic’ court decision could ban abortion pills nationwide…

WASHINGTON ― Abortion pills are a vital option for millions of people nationwide following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health this summer. But a lawsuit filed by a conservative Christian legal group threatens to dismantle the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval of abortion pills. If successful, it would effectively ban medication abortion nationwide — decimating what little access to abortion care is left. “It would be apocalyptic,” Illinois state Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D) told HuffPost during a Thursday roundtable hosted by the State Innovation Exchange, a nonprofit organization working on public policy at the state level. Advertisement The lawsuit was filed in November by the right-wing legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of groups a...

Computer hacks, Divine Providence and really helping others…

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio – articles – email ) | Dec 09, 2022 This morning, starting at 7:15 am EST, was the target of a robotic registration attack. This means a computer or a group of computers had been programmed to attempt rapid-fire registration on Sometimes the purpose of such attacks is to test stolen credit card numbers. At other times, the purpose is purely disruptive. However, since we had coded over the years an extensive number of registration/donation tests based on past experience with such attacks, I found on examination that none of these attempts—1,698 in all over a period of 4 hours and 28 minutes—got past our defenses. But the speed of the attack varied, and I became aware of it a little after 9:00 am when our website be...

‘The Dawn of Mercy’ — How Christianity revolutionized philanthropy…

[embedded content] As the Christians put into practice the teaching of Christ on Love and Mercy during plagues and pandemics, they transformed the pagan Roman Empire’s way of looking at the poor and sick… Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Pope’s Gaudete Sunday Angelus: ‘Advent Is a Time to Let Ourselves Be Surprised by God’s Mercy’…

By Thaddeus Jones Pope Francis welcomed the many pilgrims for the midday Angelus on this Third Sunday of Advent, in particular families with their children, who brought little statuettes of the Child Jesus to be blessed on this day, a tradition Saint Pope Paul VI started over fifty years ago. Before imparting his apostolic blessing, the Pope Francis offered his reflections on the Sunday Gospel when today we read about John the Baptist who while in prison sends his disciples to ask Jesus if He really is the Messiah. John the Baptist learns that Jesus is indeed the Christ, who with words and gestures of compassion towards all and with loving mercy heals the sick, restores sight to the blind, raises the dead, and preaches good news to the poor, just as the prophets foretold. Overcoming doubt ...

Bicyclist rides San Francisco’s streets, finds 3 streets steeper than the official Guinness ‘World’s Steepest Street’…

[embedded content] This is the big one, Cycling California’s Steepest Streets “Season Finale…” Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity