
The Secret to Happiness

The Secret to Happiness             The endless demands of changing diapers, working two jobs, juggling parenthood, sisterhood, the piles of dirty clothes and laundry, balancing countless balls in the air….the weight of it all seems too much too bear sometimes, doesn’t it? If we are not careful, we find ourselves longing for the next season. We think about how much easier it will be when the kids get potty-trained, start school, or begin driving. We think about how much free time we will have when they go away to college or begin their young adult lives. We dream of finding a new season that will be easier, lighter, more meaningful, and ultimately, one where we will be happier.          ...

Dear 2021,

In their hearts humans plan their course,     but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 NIV Dear Twenty Twenty-One, Your predecessor has left us lost and dazedCautious and timid with our goalsOnly by the Spirit is our faith unfazedWe’re hopeful our love will touch many souls Our expectations for you are quite lowGiven the year we’ve just been throughOur hopes and dreams are high even soWe wonder if any will come true We do not know what trials you may bringOr what blessings for us lay in storeBut we trust Him of whom the angels singWho will provide now and evermore And so, New Year, we welcome you with graceContent to live each day that follows dayTo finish strong the next leg of our raceTrusting in the Truth, the Life, the Way Sincerely,A Child of G...

7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 woman that we read about in Proverbs 31:10-31 is a mother, wife, entrepreneur, and more. But these titles do not make up the sum value of who she is as a woman, and in the same way your value is rooted in much more than what you do or what people call you.  Although many have defined the Proverbs 31 woman by what she does and the titles she holds, it’s more important to take a deeper look into the character of who she is as a woman to truly be encouraged by her example. So even if your laundry isn’t folded, hot dinner isn’t on the table every night at exactly 6:00, and your home isn’t Pinterest perfect, please believe me when I tell you the example of the Proverbs 31 woman is not out of your grasp.  Here’s the thing, let’s say you did do all those things and check...

Divine Appointments

Recently I experienced the sting of deep disappointment. I shot my shot and hit the rim; the ball didn’t quite make it through the net. When I started on this recent venture, I did not ignore the possibility of disappointment; I went in with my eyes wide open.  As I prepared, I focused more on the possibility than the impossibility. I relied on verses that I knew, whispered positive affirmations to myself, had lots of conversations with God, took deep breaths, and ultimately took my shot. But I also kept it close to the vest, sharing with very few. I was prepared for either outcome, or so I told myself, but I only listened to the possibility. Isn’t that the way it is with disappointment? We build ourselves up, hoping against hope, and become still utterly deflated whe...

February Scripture Writing Guide (2021)

Scripture writing plans are incredibly simple, yet incredibly effective for helping us read, interpret and absorb the Word of God. Rather than simply letting our eyes pass over a verse and perhaps miss its full meaning, writing Scripture down helps us absorb each word and really think through what the passage before us is saying. Each day in February you’ll have the opportunity to write down a verse. We suggest using a journal where you can add any additional mediations or prayers that the verse brings to mind. Click here to download the February Scripture Writing Guide! Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

How to Pray and Leave Your Burdens at Jesus’ Feet

How to Pray and Leave Your Burdens at Jesus’ Feet 28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)      This is probably one of the best, and most comforting, Scriptures in the entire Bible. Come to me. There is hope. There is rest waiting for you and me. Oh, how our weary souls need solace, peace, and true rest. The weight of the world is often seemingly resting on our shoulders. The burdens of financial pressures, parenting woes, unreasonable supervisors, gossiping ne...

Andrea Bocelli Duets with Son with ‘Fall On Me’

2021 Jan 18 VIEWS 0 Posted by ”andrea-bocelli’ on’ “Anyone who is a parent, anyone who knows the precious responsibility of being a mother or a father, will fully grasp the meaning of this piece. ‘Fall On Me’ is the first time I have duetted with my son Matteo Bocelli.” Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

to hold God in your hands

I was captivated. The scene at the temple. Simeon, a man old and in love with God. He let Holy Spirit lead him. Heart wide open. Ready for God’s moving.  He wanted God to move in him. And so God did. For years he waited. Hearing God speak to him many years ago: he would not see heaven until he saw the face of God.  He believed Him. And so he waited. Faithfully. On the day God whispered to him to enter the temple, Simeon did not hesitate. He did not worry about what he needed or what he didn’t–what supplies he should carry with him, or what clothes he should wear. His heart beat with excitement. Today . . . he would see God. As his feet found the steps to the holy building, he saw a young mother and her husband. At eight days old, the baby was circumcised and given his name. The n...

A Firm or Flimsy Foundation

Anything built on an unstable or decaying foundation will not stand. One example of a famous foundation failure is the  South Padre Island’s Ocean Tower in Texas. Ocean Tower was originally designed to be a 31-story building that housed high-end condominiums. However, construction of the tower couldn’t be completed because of foundation problems discovered in early 2008. The expansive soil beneath the tower began to compact, causing the building to sink and lean. Construction ceased and the building had to be demolished in 2009. (source – Another famous example is the Leaning Tower of Pisa; it leans because its foundation is unstable. The word foundation comes from the Lati...

19 Mistake You May Be Making in Single Moms Ministry at Your Church and How to Fix Them

19 Mistakes You May Be Making in Single Moms Ministry at Your Church and How to Fix Them             Thank you. Thank you to the brave leaders who have answered the call to serve single moms all over the country. There is an army of you out there! Thank you to each of you who have begun the sometimes arduous task of meeting with your pastoral team, gaining approval to launch the ministry, planning, preparing, and praying. Thank you for the sacrifices of time away from your family. We applaud your efforts.             With all the commitment and sacrifice that each of you pour into your single moms’ groups, there is no doubt that it can be frustrating when things don’t seem to be go...

Seeing the Invisible

Early in our marriage, my husband and I attended a church with a memorable tradition: on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s, there would be no sermon. Instead, anyone and everyone was encouraged to walk up to the open microphone and share a few words with the congregation. The basic question, on which we were all invited to reflect, was simple: Where have you seen God this year?  Seeing God. What does that even mean, when God is invisible? When we ask that same question of the kids in our Sunday School classes, or at Vacation Bible School—Where have you seen God today?—we usually get litanies of good things. Kids see God in friendships and hugs,  flowers and rainbows,  candy stores and new bikes, and mothers’ kisses. God is certainly the author of every good an...

without speaking a word: surprised by Joseph

The week of Christmas and I am spending more days with Joseph. The companion I seek when I am by myself, walking the dog or making the bed or wiping down a counter. The person I am asking God to help me understand–and he is different than anyone I’ve ever wanted to know. When Father Chi invited me to spend a week with Mary, and then another, it was easy. She was nurturing and warm. We walked so close our shoulders bumped–and I could feel her hip against mine as we sat. She would turn to me and offer conversation, an observation and a smile. She let me hear her prayers, her dreams and fears. She showed me surrender and strength and faith and love. She was the older sister I never had. But Joseph is different. And I am drawn to his quietness. I have been wanting to hear him speak, but he say...

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