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Desperate for God

Desperate for God

We don’t need much to serve God – we need willing hearts and open minds, but as with most things we complicate it. Recently, it feels as if I’m spinning plates and failing miserably. As long as I have breath, I plan to live my life to the fullest with God’s help. So there’s new goals, new adventures, new tasks even at this stage of the game.

One thing I’ve learned, I’ll never perfect my walk with Christ this side of heaven. It’s one of the only things I know for sure. I realize that I need to keep leaning on Him. That abiding in Him produces fruit in a way that I can’t explain (John 15:1-15). This is my secret. 

I want to be so desperate for God, that the only thing that quenches my thirst is Him – His word, His peace, His grace, His love, His mercy (Psalms 42:1-2). This thirst quencher is always available to me as his child, so all I need to do is take the time and spend it with him. I need to do this as often as I breathe so that I am continually refreshed. For me, it’s the early morning, before I’m consumed with the day’s tasks. For others, it may be the drive to work, a walk/run, or in the evening. This time infuses me; it never confuses me. This time strengthens and centers me.

When I take the time to get centered with God, what a change in scenery and a change in perspective. I feel good, light, loved, energized, smart. My relationship with Him no longer feels burdensome but inviting. I don’t need to schedule time on my calendar, I do it as often as I can because my time with Him is refreshing. I find myself allowing space for the relationship to grow. It’s when I neglect our relationship that I find myself pulling away.

I want my relationship with God to be so strong, so prevalent in my life that I don’t need a reminder to spend time with Him. I have realized that it doesn’t take much to meditate and be still; It’s merely God and me (Psalms 46:10). No phone, no apps, no Bible on the phone – just Him and I, and the physical Bible.

This is my desire: to remove the complications of modern life and pant so desperately after God that He quenches my thirst while giving me what I need. And in turn, because I’m so grateful that I may live to please him – my words, thoughts, actions, and my very being. 

As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. Psalms 42:1 [NLT]

How desperate are you for God?

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