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‘Grave Mortal Sin’: Priests, Prelate Respond to Peruvian ‘Visionary’ Who Encouraged Using Consecrated Hosts in Rituals…

‘Grave Mortal Sin’: Priests, Prelate Respond to Peruvian ‘Visionary’ Who Encouraged Using Consecrated Hosts in Rituals…

The video, titled “Who will be the next president of Peru? Predictions 2024 — Women of the PM,” remains on YouTube but the segment promoting a sacrilege of the Eucharist was recently removed by the producers due to public outcry.

After the excerpt of that video podcast circulated on social media, Father Luis Gaspar, who holds a doctorate in canon law, warned on X on Jan. 5 that “they’re promoting sacrilege, inducing people to go to Mass, take the consecrated host in their hands [to take it home to do the ritual].”

“She even advises that if the priest gives it to you [on the tongue], then you take it out [and keep it],” Gaspar added.

He also pointed out that the Code of Canon Law, the norm that regulates the universal Church, establishes in Canon 1382 § 1 that whoever “throws away the consecrated species or, for a sacrilegious purpose, takes them away or keeps them, incurs a ‘latae sententiae’ excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See.” 

Father César Valdivia, pastor of Divine Child Parish in Lima, Peru, warned in a Jan. 5 Facebook post that Serrano “invites the audience to steal the Eucharist from holy Mass to use it in this kind of witchcraft.”

“This is a grave mortal sin: using holy Communion to use it in witchcraft is a sacrilege. The Eucharist is the real presence of the body and blood of Christ. Encouraging people to go to Mass and pretend to take Communion and then bring the host to these rites is deceitful and repulsive,” he said.

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