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He wants you to come home…

He wants you to come home…

Somehow, on the scales of a father’s love, one child outweighs everything. And that is how God, the maker of space and time, is looking at you right now.

When we wandered into the forest of sin, God wasn’t looking down saying, “Go ahead, destroy yourself. You deserve it. You chose destruction. Live with it.”

No. He said, “Take everything. Take my life. I’ll be your food in the Eucharist. I’ll be waiting for you in Confession.  I just want my son.  I just want my daughter to come home.”

Somehow, on the scales of a father’s love, one child outweighs everything. And that is how God, the maker of space and time, is looking at you right now.

We think it’s so hard to love God as Catholics, don’t we?  The reality is: A love strong enough to create a universe … all of it is aimed at every person in this room.  The reality is: It’s hard to receive that much love.

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