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Inside my visit to St. Bernadette’s incorrupt relics — a powerful spiritual experience…

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved the amazing story of St. Bernadette.

My mother introduced my siblings and me to her story through Catholic children’s cartoons. The stories of both St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Fatima particularly resonated with me.

When I first heard that St. Bernadette’s incorrupt relics would tour the United States, I was ecstatic. It’s been a dream of mine to visit Lourdes and the healing spring.

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Since I haven’t had the opportunity to do that yet, hearing that St. Bernadette’s relics would visit my home state of Texas filled my heart with hope and joy.

So my husband and I brought our seven-year-old son, and we traveled to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Mineral Wells, Texas on Thurs., July 21.

My Visit to St. Bernadette’s Incorrupt Relics

We arrived shortly before noon for a pilgrimage Mass. My husband helped with the music while I sat with our son in the pew.

As soon as we walked in, a powerful heavenly presence illuminated the room. The ex-carne relics (from the flesh) sat on the main aisle just before the altar.

The completely packed church (with overflow in the foyer) indicated that so many people came searching for grace through the power of this incredible saint, my family included.

Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP

At the beginning of Mass, the priest sprinkled blessed Lourdes water on the congregation. (The relics remained in the aisle throughout Mass.)

“Is that water from the spring?” my son asked with a smile.

And of course, I said yes. He was very excited, because he also loves the Lourdes story. My mother gifted our children with the same cartoon I watched as a child.

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After Mass, our family waited a few minutes for the long line to thin out. Our son grew impatient, because he couldn’t wait to see the relics!

Finally, we venerated St. Bernadette.

We touched our sacramentals to the glass, creating our own third-class relics. We especially asked for healing for our son, who is special needs with cerebral palsy on the right side of his body.

He said a prayer, and we prayed for him and for each other. It was a powerful experience filled with so much grace.

Here’s some more images of the reliquary:

Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP
Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP
Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP

Following the veneration, we headed to the church’s chapel to see a statue The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes brought from France.

As we entered the chapel, we blessed ourselves with holy water. The water smelled of sweet roses! I wasn’t sure if they added a scent, or if it was supernatural. Either way, it was beautiful.

Our son touched the statue of Our Lady, and once again prayed for healing.

Here’s some photos of the statue in the chapel:

Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP
Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP

After leaving the chapel, we went back to the foyer and visited the table with rosaries, medals, prayer cards, and a prayer box to send prayer requests Lourdes. The priest announced at Mass that they blessed each sacramental with Lourdes water and touched them to the reliquary.

We all wrote our prayer intentions. Our son even sent his own prayer requests!

We each took one rosary and prayer card, and also brought one to our four-year-old son. Our seven year-old gave it to him upon our return home. After receiving it, our four-year-old hugged it and said, “Thank you! This is so special to me!”

Our seven year-old special needs son says his right arm feels stronger after touching the relics. I pray that over time, God will grant him complete healing over his entire body.

The relic tour was a truly unforgettable and grace-filled experience. I hope God allows our family to visit Lourdes someday!

Jacqueline Burkepile / ChurchPOP

Click here for the full itinerary of the St. Bernadette relics tour.

Note: The faithful may obtain a plenary indulgence through the veneration of the relics, along with following the three usual conditions: receiving sacramental confession, holy communion, and praying for the Holy Father, as well as detaching oneself from all sin.

St. Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us!

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[See also: St. Bernadette’s Incorrupt Relics Tour the U.S. for the First Time Ever]

[See also: 5 Beautiful Reasons to Love the Miraculous Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes]



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