
What is Sin?

“Sin” is a small word with big implications. We can all agree that there is evil in the world. You don’t have to look far to see evidence of evil in people. And it’s not simply black and white; good people and bad people. It is so much more nuanced than that, no person is purely good and no one is totally evil either. Wherever you draw the lines, if you follow a moral law, or civil law, you can’t deny there are always gray areas. But when we say sin we mean how the Bible means it. Sin means all the ways we break God’s laws. All the ways that we reject God and choose our own way. The Bible tells us that there is no one who is “righteous” which means sinless. There is not one person who has not violated the laws of God. What is Gods law and why does it matter? You shall have no other gods be...

What are the names of God?

We see the word ‘god’ in many religions. Often the gods also have their own names. In Christianity, God is also often addressed by the word God. Why? Because Christians believe that there is only one God. That’s also why they always write it with a capital letter. But did you know that in the Bible, the most important book for Christians, there are many other names for God? They all say something about the character and deeds of God. Some names of God YHWH In Exodus God calls himself I Am. This name is also known as the letters YHWH, which is often pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah. This roughly translates to I Am. This name describes God’s presence; He is always there, always with you. The name Yahweh occurs about 7,000 times in the Old Testament. Adonai – My Lord The Jews do not pronounce his...

How to become a Christian

Every month, about 50 people google this question, “How to become a Christian” Apparently, many people have a desire to learn more about Jesus. Or about God. It’s not just a question either, so it makes sense that people are looking for an answer. What is involved in becoming a Christian? Take the first step The first step is to make a choice. Deciding that you want to become a Christian, or at least want to know more, is the first step. Faith usually doesn’t come just like that and you won’t learn about it if you don’t choose to learn more about it. That is why making that first choice is a very important step. Pray This is an important part of your choice to become a Christian. Pray. There are no strict requirements for prayer. You can just tell God what you are thinking about at that mo...

Names of the Holy Spirit

Before you read about the names of the Holy Spirit, an introduction. The Holy Spirit, together with God and Jesus, forms the Holy Trinity. Holy Trinity is a term not mentioned in the Bible, but we use it to understand a little bit about the mystery of God. The Holy Spirit incites people to tell others about God. He helps believers with prayer and perseverance. Like some kind of inner (and supernatural) force. This power is so strong that there are stories of people suddenly being able to speak a foreign language of healing from an illness. It seems so unreal, but in this way God becomes tangible. Names of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is best known as the “Holy Spirit” or “Spirit of God.” But he is much more than that. The Holy Spirit is also God, He is a person, all the attributes of Go...

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit. It sounds quite ethereal, perhaps also scary, a spirit. Who is it anyway? What role does he play within the Christian faith? And how does he work? Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is inextricably linked to Christianity. Together with God and Jesus he forms the Holy Trinity. You might also know him as the Spirit of God. But he is so much more than that. Read on and learn more about this mysterious person. The wind The Holy Spirit is compared to several things. In the original texts of the Bible, the word Ruach is often used to designate the Holy Spirit. This means both ‘spirit’ and ‘wind’. The wind is therefore a good comparison to explain the Holy Spirit. You cannot see, touch or catch the wind. You have no control over it and you cannot own it. The same goes for the Ho...

What does God say about your future?

“You will be a millionaire next week!” Good news right? But how about, “You won’t live past the age of 35.” That’s a bit more scary. But you don’t get this message in the hospital, but from a fortune teller. And what do you do with this prediction for the future? Predicting the future is something that has been done for centuries. From a fortune teller with her crystal ball at the fair, to a psychic who reads tarot cards online. The ways in which people predict the future seem endless. Cultures also differ in their ways of predicting the future. For example, Romanian witches read about the future in wheat grains or your palm. In Russia, the future is predicted by dripping molten lead, tin or beeswax into water. They all think they can make an accurate prediction about the future. Sometimes...

Mindfulness | an invitation for rest

I hear a strange sound coming from my phone. Different from what I’m used to. I grab my phone out of curiosity. “Your average screen time last week was 2 hours and 38 minutes a day.” Wow. That much?! I let the numbers sink in. Of the 16 hours that I am awake on an average day, I apparently spent 15% on my phone. That’s so much! It’s also just bizar. In my head I’m pretty busy. I get overwhelmed by the tasks that I still have to do. My thoughts are everywhere except for where they should be. And I actually lost the overview. So how does that work with my phone? Apparently I do have time to spend about 18 hours a week on my phone. I did not realize that at all!  It is time for some change. Time to be more aware of how I spend my time.  But where do I start?  Mindfulness I grab...

​​What does Jesus say about prayer?

“I don’t want to be afraid anymore.”  “Life will bring you down, but you can choose to rise again.” Have you heard this quote before? No, this is not a statement from the Bible. It is from the blockbuster Karate Kid. A young guy moves to China and is bullied there. When he meets an old kung fu master, this man teaches him all the tricks of the martial art. He gives him confidence. By watching the master, by practicing a lot himself, he gets better and better. The most important lesson he learns: focus & always keep going! And strangely enough, that is exactly what we hear from Jesus about prayer. Let’s look at the “master of prayer” and find out how you can learn to pray. [embedded content] ‘Master’ Jesus about prayer; If you want to learn something well, you look to the master. T...

Famous people who pray

This list of famous people who pray will no doubt surprise you. You’ll see names that make you think, really?!  Do you feel like praying is something for dull, boring people? Not according to these worldwide famous artists and actors! Read here what place prayer occupies in their lives. Famous people who pray:  1. Matthew McConaughey A celebrity who certainly does not hide that he believes in Jesus is Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club, Interstellar, The Wolf in Wall Street). Even during his Oscar speech, he mostly thanked God. Prayer plays an important role in his life and helps him to remain standing in Hollywood. “What I love about prayer is that in that moment I am ‘just’ a child of God. Not that famous actor, not the husband of, not the father, but simply a man in conta...

Serenity Prayer

Do you recognize it? The feeling that it’s all a bit too much? The feeling that you are overwhelmed? That you just want to run and flee from a situation, cover yourself in blankets and forget everything? Pray this Serenity Prayer and let God help you. You are not alone! God is with you. He wants to give you his peace and rest. Do you want to pray but are you having a hard time coming up with words? Do you wonder how you should pray? Maybe this Serenity Prayer will help you. Serenity Prayer God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did...

What does the bible say about prayer?

Is praying really that important? Why would I pray? As a matter of fact, everyone should pray. Why? Because God thinks it’s important! What is prayer? One of the definitions that Google’s search results give to prayer is “contacting higher powers.” If you assume this definition to be correct, you will read the first spoken prayer in the Bible in Genesis 2:23. The Bible says quite a bit about prayer! Read on! Hopefully these Bible verses about prayer will encourage you. Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. John 16:24 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jere...

Learn how to pray

Standing on hold for hours and then suddenly you hear that terrible sentence: ‘this caller can’t be connected’. And just when you needed help or a complaint. So frustrating that you want to throw your phone across the room. Recognizable? That’s how it can feel when praying. You need help or have a complaint and you can’t seem to get in touch with God. Or you are not used to praying at all and you are afraid that you have the wrong number. You may think: what am I doing wrong? Where can I follow a Learn how to Pray course? Learn how to pray step by step Even if you have no idea how prayer works, you have already taken the most important step. That’s nice, isn’t it? The very first step for you to learn how to pray is that you want to connect with God. If you’re reading this article, you prob...

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