Have you ever felt like you just had too much on your plate? Too many things on the To-Do-List, too many errands to run in one day, too many commitments, too many responsibilities, too many people pulling on you, too many yes(s)? If you have, then I totally get you, sis! Because I have definitely been there. That’s when I had to get to a place in my life where I said, “Some things have got to come off of my plate!”
And the same goes for you…that’s why you’re reading this right now.
So, let’s think about this for a moment. If you did a quick inventory of your life right now, what do you think would need to come off of your plate? What task or idea could be removed? What do you sense God is calling you to surrender? What is DONE, yet you feel the need to keep holding on (especially when you know in your heart that you need to let it go)? Think and pray about it, because whatever is either bringing you undue stress, overwhelm, or dread needs to be evaluated and maybe eliminated.
Now, let me say this. Doing God’s will is NOT always easy. He never eluded that it would be. Going to the cross was far from easy for Jesus. Yet, my point here is that many things have an end date. Every assignment doesn’t go on forever. Remember, before Jesus said, “It is finished,” He walked this earth and healed many, brought the dead back to life, opened blind eyes, and fed over 5,000 people in one place. Each one of those moments had an end time.
Going even further, Noah, Moses, Esther, Jeremiah, and the Apostle Paul all had assignments that lasted for so long and then they were over. They moved on. In other words, we don’t hear about the rest of the things Noah did after building the ark. His life went on and we don’t read about much more. Yet, that particular assignment was completed. He didn’t say, “Maybe I need to build another ark.” That task was done.
So what assignment has ended that you may not have realized was quite over yet, but it is? What is beginning to be too much to handle? What needs to be laid down for a season to return back to later? What needs to come off of the goal list or board for now or forever? What do you sense might not be God’s will? These are the things that I want you to think and pray about in order to do God’s will with His grace, strength, Spirit, and timing.
The whole point of this post is so that you can assess and alleviate undue stress and pressures that don’t need to be present. It was created so that you can stop doing things that God said is over or simply just to find rest from your labor. Psalm 127:2 says, “It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.” (NLT)
So, examine your plate, sis. Look to see what you can take off of your plate and don’t bite off more than you can chew. Put only on your plate what you can actually eat (just like you would tell a child). Don’t overdo it. Don’t add too many things, otherwise they’re going to topple over and create a mess, because that’s just what it could look like in real life if you do that.
For instance, when we take on too much, our lives and home-life begin to look a mess. Things get out of order. We become more frazzled and frustrated, and then begin dreading the work that we’re doing. So un-plate! (I just made that up). Take off the stuff that don’t need to be on your plate today or in this season, so that you don’t feel overstuffed.
If you do, trust me. You’re going to feel so much lighter. You’ll feel like you have more room in your life to do things that really need to be done, but also that you enjoy.
So, don’t overcommit, sis. Know when to say no. Recognize when to take a pause, rest, or when an assignment is completed. Also, count the cost before you say another resounding YES! Lastly, don’t worry about what others will think of you. Instead, focus on the tasks that God is really calling you to do at this time. With that being said, I’ll ask you again. What needs to come off of your plate?
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
QUESTION: What needs to come off your plate, sis? What are you needing to let go of at this time or lay down? Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you @ insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.
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