I was not able to go up to DC to attend the March for Life as I have in past years. However, I searched Twitter for the best signs and want to share them with you. This has been a tradition I’ve done every year since 2016 (I link them at the end), sharing the best signs, usually focused on homemade creative signs. Most of them are thus embedded tweets. This is the first year since Roe v. Wade was overturned by Dobbs, so I can only imagine the atmosphere was different.
1. I survived China’s one-child policy
2. Make your state a life state (I think this is particularly important as most of the political battle on abortion moves to the States & away from the federal level).
3. When our liberation costs innocent lives, it is just oppression redistributed.

5. Women are not sex objects; babies are not body parts.
6. Make America Good Again
7. Stop calling violence feminism
8. We will adopt your baby. Please don’t choose abortion.
9. If you don’t believe in miracles… perhaps you’ve forgotten that you are one

10. A whole bunch of signs (zoom in)
11. Call me an extremist, but I think dismemberment is wrong
Past years editions of my best March for Life signs post.