“How is my relationship doing with my loved ones and what can I do to help each and every single person in my family experience the love of God, the affirmation and the encouragement? And are there any living within my home who are not experiencing true liberation in Jesus…
“How is my relationship doing with my loved ones and what can I do to help each and every single person in my family experience the love of God, the affirmation and the encouragement? And are there any living within my home who are not experiencing true liberation in Jesus Christ — or are they bound up in something, whether it’s pornography or other things…,” said Kathleen Beckman, author of A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Deliverance and Healing.
Beckman is a “Catholic evangelist, best-selling author, writer, speaker, radio host, and Ignatian retreat director,” according to her website, kathleenbeckman.com.
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