
Do you live in the Pacific Northwest? Here’s EXACTLY what to do when the next megaquake hits the Cascadia Subduction Zone…..

[embedded content] Subduction zone earthquakes are the largest and most destructive on earth. In 2004 a 9.1 megaquake hit Sumatra off the coast of Indonesia, unleashing a massive tsunami and killing 227,898 people. And in 2011, the Tohoku earthquake struck Japan, killing around 20,000 and triggering the infamous Fukushima nuclear disaster. In the Pacific northwest lurks the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which has been dormant for centuries and is overdue for its next “big one.” In this episode we’re going to tell you what experts think is the best way to survive this inevitable disaster… Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

German Synodal Way Designed to Create ‘Pressure’ on Church to Change Teaching, Founding President Admits; Says It’s Advancing ‘Much More Successfully Than I Had Thought’…

Together with Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Sternberg launched the Synodal Way in 2019. The German Synodal Way was designed from the outset to avoid legal sanctions while simultaneously creating “pressure” on the Church to change Catholic teaching, one of the founders of the process told German media Friday. Thomas Sternberg, former president of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), said the controversial process wanted to achieve changes to the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, the ordination of women, and other topics, reported CNA Deutsch, CNA’s German-language news partner. Speaking to German diocesan broadcaster Domradio on Dec. 2, Sternberg said the Synodal Way was proceeding “much more successfully than I had thought.” In light of the Vatican’s interventions against the Synod...

Everything is (not) broken…

Every so often an article appears that demands to be shared.  So I’m doing that here.  If you do nothing else in the coming week, read N.S. Lyons’s recent essay on J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and technocracy at his Substack site, The Upheaval.  It’s worth every minute of your time. And note that the name “Lyons” is a pseudonym.  In real life, the author is an analyst working in the U.S. foreign policy community.  The Upheaval is not a religious site; it covers a wide range of global topics.  But Lyons’s skills go well beyond the mechanics of foreign policy. His grasp of Tolkien and Lewis is impressive.  He argues that “their stories and non-fiction essays contain warnings that [strike] more surely to the heart of our emerging 21st-century dystopia th...

Who was Isaiah, and what does his message mean for us?

During Advent, we read quite a bit from the Prophet Isaiah. Therefore, for my own meditation and yours, I offer the following reflection on Isaiah, the man and his message. Each of the issues with which he dealt is still with us, even though we live in a far more secular world than he could have imagined. Let’s consider key elements of his life, his struggle, and his message. Isaiah was born in 760 B.C. He is further identified as the son of Amoz (Isaiah 1:1). His name in Hebrew (Yeshayahu) means “Yah[weh] is salvation.” Isaiah lived this name well, insisting that Judah’s kings and people trust only in God, make no alliances with foreign nations, and refuse to fear anyone but God. Isaiah lived in the terrible period following the great severing of the northern kingdom of Israel (with its t...

Murder of Louisiana Priest and Assistant Confirmed, Believed to Be Random Attack…

Police have confirmed the identities of both a retired Catholic priest and pastoral assistant whose bodies were discovered in Covington, Louisiana on Monday. A suspect is in custody in connection with their deaths and the theft of the assistant’s car. Police believe the crime to be random. Fr. Otis Young, a retired priest at St. Peter Catholic Church, and pastoral assistant Ruth Prats were reported missing on Sunday. On Monday, two bodies were discovered behind a local glass business about half a mile from St. Peter’s church. The bodies were badly burnt. Autopsy results confirmed that the bodies were those of Young and Prats. Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans called the news “beyond shocking.” “This is a loss for our church and for the entire community,” he said Wednesday, offering ...

5 Takeaways From Pope Francis’ Latest Interview…

In an extended interview with the Jesuit magazine, America, Pope Francis addressed a wide array of topics, from polarization to the war against Ukraine.  Five takeaways: Polarization in the Church “Polarization is not Catholic,” the Holy Father said in response to a question about divisive politics. “A Catholic cannot think either-or (aut-aut) and reduce everything to polarization. The essence of what is Catholic is both-and (et-et). The Catholic unites the good and the not-so-good. There is only one people of God. When there is polarization, a divisive mentality arises, which privileges some and leaves others behind. The Catholic always harmonizes differences.” The question was put in the context of the United States, but Pope Francis chose to answer it on the level of general princi...

Meteorites are some of the oldest known pieces of celestial bodies, and they’re littered all over Earth — someone just has to find them…

The day was shaping up to be a total flop for Matthew Stream and Roberto Vargas. The two meteorite collectors were in the remote, unincorporated community of Cranfield, Mississippi, in late April, days after a fireball exploded over the area. Witness reports of multiple sonic booms convinced the pair to fly out on a whim to scour the ground for fallen rocks. Before this trip, they’d only ever communicated on Facebook, where they decided to team up and do the trip together. But despite their best efforts, the search was not going to plan. Stream and Vargas trudged through swampy grasses and forests for hours. The air was thick with mosquitoes, and the ground crawled with lizards and venomous snakes. At one point during the trip, their rental car got stuck in the mud, and they had to ask a l...

Your new life in Christ means divinization, and your final goal is to love as God loves…..

“And so we are going to establish a schoolfor the service of the Lord” (Rule of St. Benedict). “We have been placed on earth to learn to love in the school of Jesus,” writes Fr. Jacques Philippe in Interior Freedom. “Learning to love is extremely simple: it means learning to give freely and receive freely. But this simple lesson also is very hard for us to learn, because of sin.” In that short paragraph, Philippe sums up my entire Catholic testimony. I’d grown up in faith, but I lost my way in college. I wanted Jesus, the Jesus of the Gospels, but I couldn’t find him. An abstract Jesus of the written Word and interior experience wasn’t enough. I wanted to see him, touch him, know him. Then I encountered Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker. I found the ethos of the Catholic Worker movement ...

When life goes well, it’s easy to think it’s normal, and that you deserve it. But it isn’t, and you don’t. Be grateful always… …

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Recognize the advantages you may have (and the compassion that should follow)…

I heard the same thing from my own father as Nick Carraway did from his, and John Quincy Adams heard from his mother. Not that I listened very well when I was young. Nick Carraway is the narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby.” At the beginning of the book, he remembers his father telling him, “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” This will apply to some people more than others. The need to remember that you have advantages means you have advantages, sometimes very great ones, that other people don’t have. John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States, and son of the second. His mother, Abigail, gave him the same advice, but added instruction on the “to wh...

Vatican Website Taken Down by Suspected Hacker Attack…

<!– –> Technical investigations are ongoing due to abnormal attempts to access the site. (File) Vatican City: The official Vatican website was taken offline on Wednesday following an apparent hacking attack, the Holy See said. “Technical investigations are ongoing due to abnormal attempts to access the site,” Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said, without giving any further information. The suspected hack came a day after Moscow criticised Pope Francis’s latest condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In an interview with a Jesuit magazine, the pope had singled out troops from Chechnya and other ethnic minorities in Russia for their particular “cruelty” during the war. (This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generat...

Both Advent and the Holy Eucharist are about not just your desire for God, but God’s much greater desire for you…

The First Sunday of Advent is ecclesiastical New Year’s Day. It is a fitting occasion to make resolutions to grow in the spiritual life, as each time we have the privilege to retrace Christ’s life in the liturgical cycle ought to be, thanks to another year’s experience, a time to align ourselves more faithfully to him whom we follow through time into eternity. This Advent, the U.S. bishops have done us all a favor by placing before us a collective resolution: to grow in Eucharistic knowledge, faith, amazement, love, life, charity and apostolate. The three-year Eucharistic Revival the bishops have inaugurated is an opportunity to look at each of the liturgical seasons with fresh eyes and Eucharistic lenses. Traditionally, Advent has been about preparing for the second coming of Christ throu...