
Letter from Holy Roman Emperor Charles V written in secret code finally cracked after 475 years to reveal he was worried about being assassinated…

French scientists have decoded a letter written in 1547 by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. The three-page letter uncovers secrets of the 16th century, including assassination fears. It took the French team of scientists months to decode the letter’s secret language. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you’re on the go. download the app French scientists have decoded a letter signed in 1547 by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, the Stanislas Libary in Nancy, France, has announced. The secretly-coded letter has revealed the significant concerns of the most powerful man in Rennaisance Europe during an era of religious and strategic conflict. It showed that Charles V feared an assassination attempt by an Ita...

Thai Buddhist temple emptied after all the monks test positive for meth…

It’s a bad abbot. Four Buddhist monks in Thailand have been shipped off to rehab after they all tested positive for meth. The holy men — including the temple’s abbot, or head monk — failed the drug tests in the Phetchabun province’s Bung Sam Phan district on Monday, an official told Agence France-Presse. “The temple is now empty of monks and nearby villagers are concerned they cannot do any merit-making,” said the official, Boonlert Thintapthai. Police forced the monks to undergo urine tests after they raided the temple as part of the province’s crackdown on drugs. The monks, who haven’t been named, have since been sent to a health clinic to undergo drug rehabilitation. Four Buddhist monks failed the drug tests in the Phetchabun province’s Bung Sam Phan district on Monday.ViralPress They w...

Confession and the Art of Boiler Maintenance…

By Fr. Jerry Pokorsky ( bio – articles – email ) | Nov 28, 2022 Jesus alone redeems and saves through the Cross and Resurrection, mediated by Church teaching through the Ten Commandments and the Sacraments. A Catholic church should be an oasis of orthodoxy, fidelity, and sanity. People should fill every Catholic pew, yet inactive Catholics as a group outnumber large Protestant denominations. So let’s make this appeal to our young people: teenagers and young adults. Do you realize how good you have it? You attend Mass because of devotion, good habits, or because your parents forced you. It matters little. Your parents are doing their job, and you’re responding. Your parents care for you. They’re present to you, both of them, or one or the other. They feed and clothe you and send...

The Vatican, China, and the ‘spirit of dialogue’…

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Nov 28, 2022 Well that didn’t take long, did it? In October the Vatican renewed an accord with Beijing governing the appointment of new Chinese Catholic bishops. Barely over one month later, China violated the accord. But wait. Was it actually a violation? Although a formal statement from the Holy See was strongly worded, it only expresses “surprise and regret” at the Chinese move, saying that it was not “in conformity with the spirit of dialogue” between Rome and Beijing. So that “spirit of dialogue” had been violated. But had the terms of the agreement? We don’t know, because the terms of the Vatican-Beijing accord have never been disclosed. The common understanding is that the agreement governs the appointment of new bishops, suppo...

Becciu Meets With Pope Francis to ‘Clarify’ Secret Recording Amid Mounting Scandals…

Cardinal Angelo Becciu met with Pope Francis Saturday evening, two days after prosecutors filed new evidence against the cardinal, which shows that Becciu secretly recorded the pope discussing state secrets, and allegedly conspired with members of his family to embezzle Church funds. Becciu told reporters that over the weekend he had been assured by Pope Francis he could continue attending public events as a cardinal, after a “cordial” conversation with the pope, in which Becciu offered the pontiff “clarifications [he] deemed necessary,” about the mounting scandals facing the cardinal. The cardinal did not specify what he clarified for Francis on Saturday, or why he deemed it necessary, and the meeting did not appear on the Holy See’s daily list of papal audiences. Becciu’s private visit w...

The Mass is the cosmic and eschatological sacrifice of Christ the high priest — the ‘ad orientem’ tradition makes this clear…

The liturgy has little meaning for people who cannot comprehend its symbolism. Pope Francis laments the modern person, who has “lost the capacity to engage with symbolic action, which is an essential trait of the liturgical act” (Desiderio desideravi, 27). The materialistic view of secular culture runs contrary to any sort of symbolic understanding of reality or nature. As a result of the eclipse of God, St. John Paul II contends in Evangelium Vitae that the world which was once viewed as mater has become merely matter (22).   In light of the fact that modern culture has lost its sense of symbolism and sacramentality, it seems incomprehensible that Fr. Raymond J. de Souza would argue for a return to the ancient practice of celebrating the liturgy toward the east (ad orientem). Ye...

More horrifying images turn up in pitch-black ‘Baalenciaga’ ad campaign [caution: disturbing photos in this story]…

The scandal around the ad campaign for the high fashion house Balenciaga has turned up more disgusting images. Look: Advertisement If you go to the tweet and click on the photos, you’ll see that there are images from that Michael Borremans book, documenting an exhibition of his called “Fire From The Sun”. From a review of the Hong Kong exhibition: The perceived meaning of the works is difficult to voice or uncomfortable to admit. In the most evident terms, Fire From The Sun portrays children aged two or three in various stages of play with fire and what appear to be human limbs, even hair. The children are all light-skinned Sistine-style cherubs, sometimes covered in blood. The children do not appear to be distressed or disturbed (though some viewers at the gallery may be...

Greg Baylor: How the ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ targets the religious liberty of Catholics…

The Respect for Marriage Act “poses a pretty significant risk to religious Americans, both individuals and organizations. Like the Equality Act, it hopes to cement into federal law the idea that marriage is not the institution, defined by God, consisting of the union of one man and one woman. It goes, obviously, far beyond that…The first thing it does is to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act that was passed by huge bipartisan majorities and signed by Pres. Clinton in the 1990s. It also imposes an obligation on many — including, potentially, religious organizations — to recognize same-sex marriage. And that’s the piece that creates a lot of the religious liberty problems. And then the last thing it does is to define marriage for federal government purpose,” said Greg...

Balenciaga clothing company changes strategy after public uproar, says ‘poor set design’ tarnished pedophilia-themed ad campaign…

Balenciaga has issued an official apology after coming under fire for a campaign it recently released for the holiday season. Highlighting its Objects line featuring logo-heavy accessories, the images were modeled by children, who were seen holding toys dressed in bondage and BDSM gear. These teddy bears were featured in the brand’s Summer 2023 runway in October along with models wearing makeup depicting bruising. In addition to the props used in the shoot, social media users were quick to point out additional details in the campaign, which was shot by National Geographic photographer Gabriele Galimberti, known for shooting kids and his “Toy Stories” project. A viral tweet noted that the photoshoot was “interesting” and “included a very purposely poorly hidden court document about ‘virtual...

Exclusive America Magazine interview: Pope Francis denounces polarization, talks women’s ordination, the U.S. bishops and more…

Editor’s Note: On Nov. 22, 2022, five representatives of America Media interviewed Pope Francis at his residence at Santa Marta at the Vatican. Matt Malone, S.J., the departing editor in chief of America, was joined by Sam Sawyer, S.J., the incoming editor in chief; executive editor Kerry Weber; Gerard O’Connell, America’s Vatican correspondent; and Gloria Purvis, host of “The Gloria Purvis Podcast.” They discussed a wide range of topics with the pope, including polarization in the U.S. church, racism, the war in Ukraine, the Vatican’s relations with China and church teaching on the ordination of women. The interview was conducted in Spanish with the assistance of a translator, Elisabetta Piqué. A transcript of the Spanish text can be found here. Pope Francis: Thank you for coming! Matt Ma...

Vatican: China Violated Terms of Agreement With ‘Prolonged and Heavy Pressure’ to Install Bishop in Fictitious Communist ‘Diocese of Jiangxi’…

Jiangxi is a diocese that is not recognized by the Vatican. Bishop John Peng Weizhao, on the other hand, was legitimately appointed by Pope Francis in 2014 and secretly ordained as an underground bishop of Yujiang. The Vatican said on Saturday that Chinese authorities had violated the terms stipulated in its provisional agreement on the appointment of bishops. A statement released on Nov. 26 said that “the Holy See noted with surprise and regret” that Bishop John Peng Weizhao had been installed as an “auxiliary bishop of Jiangxi,” a diocese that is not recognized by the Vatican. Bishop Peng’s installation ceremony in Nanchang, China, “did not occur in accordance with the spirit of dialogue … and what was stipulated in the Provisional Agreement on the Appointment of Bishops, on September 22...

A Recipe for Readiness — A Homily for the First Sunday of Advent…

The first weeks of Advent focus more on the Lord’s second coming in glory than on His first coming at Bethlehem. The gospel clearly states that we must always be prepared, for at an hour we do not expect, the Son of Man will come. “Ready” is the key word, but how should we be ready?  The second reading from today’s Mass (Romans 13:11-14) gives us a basic recipe for readiness. We can distinguish five fundamental instructions in Paul’s recipe. Wake up – The text says, … you know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at hand. Let us then throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us conduct ourselves properly as in the day, … Although St. Paul has mor...