
Now that I’m a father, watching ‘A Christmas Story’ made me realize there’s much more to Ralphie’s dad than meets the eye…..

It’s a common trope for movies these days to replay scenes from earlier in the movie, as they explain why characters did certain things. “This is what the *real* importance of this scene was” they tell us, somewhat unsubtly. Maybe I needed the unsubtle treatment, because until recently, I had missed a pretty fundamental character trait of The Old Man. I first saw the movie when I was child, and so I’ve always viewed him through the eyes of Ralphie. Now that I’m a father and much closer to The Old Man’s age than to Ralphie’s, watching him in those scenes had me finally exclaiming, “*That’s* the importance of that scene!” We’re first introduced to The Old Man as he reads the newspaper. We’re meant to find him comically dopey. He exclaims that the story of a man swallowing a yo-yo is “real ne...

What I learned when I suffered a heart attack in the middle of Holy Mass…

The fact that I had a heart attack is nothing extraordinary. People have heart attacks all the time – over 800,000 in the U.S. every year. What makes my 2021 heart attack remarkable is the circumstances surrounding it. On Ash Wednesday that year, I went away on a 3-day silent retreat with a friend. I fast during Lent and find it helpful to get started at a place with Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration and no food temptations. While praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I often pray using symbolic images of my heart. Sometimes I sit silently and ask our Lord to make my heart beat in sync with His. Sometimes, I ask Him to heal it. Oftentimes, I imagine Him reaching into my chest with both of His warm hands. Together, they completely cover my heart. I then imagine Him lifting it out of my b...

Ready for Christ’s coming? Then and now…..

1st Sunday of AdventBy Fr. Victor Feltes Our season of Advent has now begun — a season of Christian preparation. Throughout Advent, we the Church are getting ready in two different respects: we are preparing to celebrate and commemorate the historical birth of Christ at Christmas and, at the same time, we are preparing for the day Jesus will return to this world in unveiled glory. In today’s Gospel, Jesus recalls the story of the days of Noah’s Ark, in which a few were prepared for the flood and saved while most were unprepared and swept away. “So too, you also must be prepared,” Jesus tells us, “for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Will we be prepared for the day of Jesus’ return? How well prepared and open were people for Christ’s first arrival and what can their ...

Would you have believed Noah? Will you believe Jesus now?

Would you believe Noah if he were building his ark right now in your neighborhood? Would you believe Jesus Christ himself if he said you need an ark of your own right now? That’s the question the Church puts to us in the First Sunday of Advent, Year A, because, before we can look forward to the arrival of the Baby Jesus, we need to wake up to the Second Coming of Jesus the Judge. We are living in the time of Noah right now, says Jesus. It helps to imagine sitting there with his apostles on the Mount of Olives as he says this. His disciples can’t help but see his intensity and passion when he says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” He describes people eating, drinking and marrying – in other words, say St. John Chrysostom, indulging in “gluttony...

Thanksgiving Zen, an odd duck bishop, and a papal wiretap…

Happy Friday friends, And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I confess that what I want most from this holiday every year is a very specifically defined “perfect meal” with my family. For me, that means my immediate family, with more or less the entire day spent gathered around a smoker tending to a whole turkey, pork belly burnt ends, and several pounds of beef. If that sounds like overkill for food, bear in mind that my “immediate family” runs to 30 people with spouses and children. Beef: It’s what’s for dinner that’s worth giving thanks for. This year, the table actually got a bit bigger still, with suitors to my youngest two siblings flying in to meet everyone, and a whole other family joining us to experience Thanksgiving in America for the first time. Ordinarily,...

Why has a Hong Kong court fined Cardinal Zen?

Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun was convicted and fined by a Hong Kong court on Friday for failing to officially register a fund helping pro-democracy protesters as a society. The 90-year-old former Bishop of Hong Kong was found guilty alongside five other people connected with the now-defunct 612 Humanitarian Fund and fined 4,000 Hong Kong dollars ($512) at the end of a trial that opened in September. The cardinal used a walking stick as he arrived at West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts on Nov. 25 to hear the verdict, reported the Associated Press, six months after his arrest, which caused alarm among local Catholics. Principal Magistrate Ada Yim declared that the fund was required to register under Hong Kong’s Societies Ordinance because it was not established solely for charity purposes. Under...

The top 10 reasons to skip Black Friday shopping…

Reason #10 Show that you are not so uninformed as to believe that “Black Friday” is actually on Friday. In case you did not know, Walmart started its “Black Friday” sales on Monday, Nov. 21. Target’s started the day before that, last Sunday. Amazon’s “Early Black Friday” sales started days ago. And likewise for other retailers. If you didn’t go to stores the last couple of days, when things were quiet, but you line up with a crowd on Friday morning, you’ll look like a fool. Reason #9 Don’t be the victim of a scam. The term “Black Friday” was coined originally by policemen to refer to the huge crowds in cities on the day after Thanksgiving. It had nothing to do with businesses reaching profitability and finally being “in the black.” Neither does it have any such real business meaning today....

Ordinary Means for an Extraordinary Holiday Season…

“We must also remember that no metamorphosis since pre-historic times is in any way comparable to the metamorphosis that we are now undergoing.”“[Man is] a creature which is not only capable of gratuitous acts but of which it can be said that such acts are this creature’s hall-mark and sign-manual.”David Jones, ‘Art and Sacrament’ in Epoch and Artist Serious issues can call for serious measures. But at the same time, even the most challenging issues call for an ‘ordinary’ response. This is consoling and encouraging. We might see it this way. The loss of the ordinary in human life has led to serious problems. Therefore, the restoring of the ordinary can address these same problems. And can have extraordinary fruits. David Jones (English, 1895-1974) was a painter, poet, and commentator on hu...

Why serve a world that hates you? A meditation on a teaching of St Cyprian’s…

As we wrap up November and the traditional meditation we make on the four last things (death, judgement, heaven and hell), A classic meditation of St. Cyprian comes to us in the Office of Readings of the Liturgy of the Hours. It is a meditation on a fundamental human struggle to be free of undue attachment to this world and to truly have God, and the things waiting for us in heaven, as our highest priority. St. Cyprian Writes: The world hates Christians, so why give your love to it instead of following Christ, who loves you and has redeemed you? John is most urgent in his epistle when he tells us not to love the world by yielding to sensual desires. Never give your love to the world, he warns, or to anything in it. A man cannot love the Father and love the world at the same time. All that ...

Hong Kong Court Convicts Cardinal Zen and 5 Other Democracy Advocates…

The 90-year-old cardinal and former bishop of Hong Kong was fined about $500 (HK$4,000). Cardinal Joseph Zen and five others were found guilty on Friday of failing to register a fund that helped pay for the legal fees and medical treatments of Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters. The 90-year-old cardinal and former bishop of Hong Kong was fined about $500 (HK$4,000). Each of the other trustees of the now-defunct 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund was fined the same amount.  Cardinal Zen told reporters after the verdict on Nov. 25: “Although I‘m a religious figure, I hope this [case] won’t be associated with our freedom of religion. It’s not related.” The cardinal appeared at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Court wearing a pectoral cross, clerical color and a facemask. He used a cane to w...

The Kingdom of David prefigures the Kingdom of Christ…

Solemnity of Christ the KingBy Fr. Victor Feltes When the ancient Romans would crucify someone they displayed upon the cross the person’s name and the reason they were punished. For the Holy Cross on Good Friday, Governor Pilate had a sign inscribed in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek with Christ’s identity and the why he was condemned. It read: “Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews.” (The famous first letters of this phrase in Latin were “I.N.R.I.”) The Jewish chief priests told Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that he said, ‘I am the King of the Jews.’” But Pilate replied, “What I have written, I have written.” Pilate did not have faith in Jesus — he wrote what he did to troll the Jewish leaders — but what he had written was true. Jesus was condemned, suffered, and rose agai...

Dr. Kevin Vost: Taking care of your body for health and holiness…

November 18, 2022 Citing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, “It is a call to properly care for our bodies,” said Dr. Kevin Vost, Psy.D., a professor and author whose many books include, “You Are That Temple! A Catholic Guide to Health and Holiness” (Sophia Institute Press). “We’re not talking about just the capacity that you can run miles or lift some huge weight, but just that we’re properly maintaining our bodies, trying to minimize the chances of getting any diseases that are going to slow us down. So that we’re hopefully going to feel good and have energy and be able to use our bodies to serve our families and to serve other people.” Learn more at his website, Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity&nb...