
Bill Freehan of the Detroit Tigers died Aug. 19. He was a Catholic gentleman behind the plate…

As Major League Baseball begins its post-season, let us pause and remember the late, great Bill Freehan of the Detroit Tigers, who died this past August 19: a Catholic gentleman and a great ballplayer. If I say that Bill Freehan was the Motown equivalent of Brooks Robinson, please understand that as the highest tribute a native Baltimorean could pay to a ballplayer and a man. After growing up in Detroit, Freehan played baseball and football at the University of Michigan before signing with his hometown Tigers for a $100,000 bonus (which his father didn’t let him have until he’d finished his degree). After a year in the minors, Bill Freehan arrived in the majors to stay in 1962, and for the next 15 years was the premier catcher in the American League, elected to eleven All-Star teams and wi...

5 animals you didn’t know existed…

[embedded content] Ever heard of a humphead parrotfish, or seen a worm-eating giant snail?! Here are 5 animals you might have never heard of. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Pope Francis and Nancy Pelosi meet at the Vatican…

“Let me repeat: no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it,” he said. Pelosi had a 15-minute audience with Benedict XVI in 2009. The Vatican said that the German pope “took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.” Vatican Media. Pope Francis is expected to receive Joe Biden on Oct. 29, in the U.S. president’s first official visit to the Vatican since his inauguration, according to sources at the Apostolic Palace. Joe Biden, the second Catholic president in U.S. history, is due to attend the G20 summit in Rome on Oct. 30–31. In a statement after the papal audience, Pelosi descr...

Why do Carmelite rosaries have six decades? Why this extra decade?

Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary! If you look closely, you might notice that the rosary worn by many Discalced Carmelite friars and nuns is a little different than other rosaries. The main difference is that these rosaries often have six decades, or groups of ten beads, instead of just five decades like the rosary most people carry in their pocket or purse or have hanging in their car. Why this extra decade? Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

‘Luxury’ 2,700-year-old toilet discovered in Jerusalem…

(CNN) — A 2,700-year-old toilet has been found during archaeological excavations of a former royal mansion in Jerusalem. Dating from the end of the 7th century BCE, the private toilet cubicle, was unearthed in the remains of the building, which overlooks the City of David archaeological site and the Temple Mount, according to a press release from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), published Wednesday. The royal estate operated at the end of the Kings of Judah period, according to the IAA, before Israel was crushed by the Assyrians. Hewn from stone, the bathroom is a rectangular cabin with a carved toilet that stood over a deep septic tank. “The toilet, made of limestone, is designed for comfortable sitting, with a hole in the center,” the IAA wrote. Yaakov Billig, director...

The Holy Rosary is so important, I’ve written on it 20 times…

Today, marks the 20th time that I have written on the great spiritual weapon known as the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary – yes, it is that important!  As I reflect on the Holy Rosary, I remember that throughout my life, in times when I needed prayer the most, it was always the Holy Rosary that was in my hands. From my early college days to the week my father passed away in April 2015 to praying the Rosary with my wife (weeks after we had just met), the prayers of the Rosary were on my lips. Although the Rosary seemed to play a major part during many times of my life, it’s been over the last 12 years that the Rosary has truly become a more steadfast prayer in my spiritual life. From 2008-2010, I spent time at Franciscan University of Steubenville working on my second Maste...

In money and sex abuse cases, Vatican tribunal shows some spine…

ROME – It’s probably fair to say that over the centuries, the pope’s criminal justice system hasn’t exactly enjoyed a sterling reputation. Nineteenth century French novelist and journalist Edmond About, whose 1859 book The Roman Question remains arguably the single best treatment of the papal court, wrote that in the unlikely event you were ever to see a Church official being prosecuted by a Vatican court, “Rest assured the public interest has no part in the business. The real springs of action are to be sought elsewhere.” Most observers probably would have said something similarly cynical about Vatican justice, albeit less elegantly, as late as last week. On the limited number of occasions when the Vatican tribunal now handles a case of consequence, the working assumption has been that it...

Why do many of the historical claims leveled against the Catholic Church fall flat?

Perhaps you have found yourself in this sort of a situation: you are in a conversation that touches on Christianity, and at a certain point a historical Molotov cocktail is thrown into the middle of it, “Yes, but what about the Crusades (or the Inquisition, or the trial of Galileo, or the imperialistic colonial missionaries, or the Renaissance popes with their mistresses and poisons)?” There you stand, stuttering, partly because such questions often have no applicability to the current conversation, partly because you do not know very much about any of these things, and partly because you are sure that the person tossing the cocktail does not know much about them, either. There seems to be nothing that can be said or done: it is simply a conversation stopper, which might have been the poin...

Former Swiss Guard: My most powerful weapon is the Holy Rosary…

On the liturgical calendar October 7th is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. This feast celebrates the naval victory of the Holy League fleet at Lepanto which in 1571 saved Christian Civilization from defeat at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.  Pope Pius V knew well the tremendous importance of resisting the aggressive expansion of the Ottomans and the certain consequences of defeat at their hands. The battle was a spiritual one and the existence of the Christian West was at stake, so the Holy Father called on the faithful of Catholic Europe to join him in praying the Rosary for a victory for the Holy League, which was internally divided by jealousies and rivalries and dramatically outnumbered by the invaders. The subsequent Christian victory, obtained through the courageo...

Biden and Becerra are making you fund Abortion, Inc. (again)…

Health and Human Services (HHS) Director Xavier Becerra attends a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., February 24, 2021. (Michael Reynolds/Reuters) If there is any common ground on abortion, it consists of this: People shouldn’t be forced to assist or pay for other people’s abortions and abortion shouldn’t be used as a method of birth control. This position, held by a stable majority of Americans, recognizes the serious moral implications of intentionally ending a human life in the womb, even among those who believe some circumstances can justify it. Advertisement Advertisement But not President Biden and Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra. They displayed their abortion extremism yet again this Monday when the administration repealed a Trump-era regulation gover...

Do we have the courage to look behind feminism’s curtain?

Hi friends! Today I’d like to share with you a fresh perspective on the feminist movement, written by renowned Catholic scholar and author Carrie Gress. —Lisa There is something in the female nature that is drawn to fashion and trends. Words like savvy, fresh, and cosmopolitan evoke a woman who is smart and hip. Trends don’t end with skirt hems, eye shadow shades, and changing seasons; ideas can also be fashionable. For the past fifty years, western women have been told by an unrelenting chorus that feminism is a trend we should all get behind.   Today, feminism feels built into the very fabric of our culture. Few of us can imagine our lives without its influence. And yet for all its sway, we haven’t seen an explosion of happiness and fulfillment among women. The happiness metric...

The mission of the Church is to recapitulate, in the deeper sense of Sts. Paul and Irenaeus…

Flames and smoke billow from the Notre Dame Cathedral after a fire broke out in Paris April 15, 2019. (CNS photo/Benoit Tessier, Reuters) The Church Burns would be an English translation for the title of Andrea Riccardi’s recent book, La Chiesa Brucia. He began writing it after Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was severely damaged by fire. The internationally renowned professor saw in the cathedral a symbol of the situation of the Church today in crisis…the Church burns. The book’s promotions make clear that people inside and outside the Church are aware of the crisis and worry that it represents a definitive decline of Christianity. For all of us, the question is not: how do we restore Notre Dame? The question is: how do we restore the Church? After all, the Church is not a building in stone...