
Contemplative prayer stays lit in the heart, no matter the darkness of the moment…

Worried eyes peer above a mask in a supermarket while customers attempt to dodge each other in the aisles. Someone does not see the floor stickers and back muscles tighten. The sharp condescending tones of a young and tired cashier remind me of a middle school teacher. In the chaotic wreckage of post-shelter-in-place America, childhood insecurities have reclaimed ground once lost to adulthood, and the smallest act of non-compliance solicits fierce if unspoken reactions. Anxiety and concern for safety suck the air out of humor and graciousness – in a world where the only smiles we can offer are hidden and at a distance.  Yet, the Lord is present in this tenseness of it all, waiting for that one moment where He might unveil his glory. This would seem to be one of the tasks of the ...

Nantes cathedral fire: Altar server charged with arson…

Rome Newsroom, Jul 26, 2020 / 04:00 am MT (CNA).- A church volunteer has admitted to starting the fire at Nantes Cathedral and was charged with arson on Saturday. The 39-year-old Rwandan refugee — who had been detained and released by the police immediately following the July 18 fire at the Gothic cathedral — was arrested again and indicted July 25 on “charges of destruction and damage by fire,” according to the Nantes public prosecutor. The prosecutor Pierre Sennes said in a statement that the volunteer had confessed to the examining magistrate on July 25 to lighting three fires in the cathedral, Le Figaro reported. “My client is today consumed with remorse and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the events,” Quentin Chabert, the lawyer of the accused told Presse-Océan July 25. Ag...

Joe Biden and the Catholic factor…

Joe Biden will be only the fourth Catholic major-party presidential nominee in U.S. history, following John Kerry in 2004, John F. Kennedy in 1960 — the nation’s only Catholic president — and New York Governor Al Smith, the Democratic nominee in 1928. Biden was the first and only Catholic vice president in U.S. history, although the current vice president, Mike Pence, was raised Catholic (he is now a practicing Protestant). There have been a number of Catholic vice-presidential nominees over the years, including Tim Kaine, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee in 2016. A presidential candidate’s religion, I think it’s fair to say, is less of a factor now that it has been in the past — including the nation’s fourth presidential election in 1800 w...

Video: President of Poland saves dropped Host from blowing away in the wind…

This is awesome! 👏👏👏 Poland re-elected President Andrzej Duda on July 13 for a second term. ChurchPOP reported last week that Duda entrusted Poland to Our Lady after his re-election. He thanked her and prayed Evening Prayer. An older video of Duda also recently re-surfaced. Shortly after his 2015 election victory, the President Duda saved the Eucharist from blowing away in the wind on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Catholic Connect posted the video below: Click here if you cannot see the video above.  The full post reads, “On May 24, Andrzej Duda was elected President of Poland. Two days later, he would make a pilgrimage to Jasna Góra Monastery in Czestochowa to pray and entrust his presidency to the icon of the Black Madonna — Our Lady of Czestochowa.⠀“Two week...

The Catholic roots of Regis Philbin (1931-2020)…

CNA Staff, Jul 25, 2020 / 02:25 pm MT (CNA).-   Game show and talk show host Regis Francis Xavier Philbin died July 24 at 88. Philbin was a Catholic, and a longtime proponent and supporter of Catholic schools. “I think it made a great difference. Solidified me….taught me an awful lot. Everything that I am right now I attribute to” Catholic education, Philbin said in a 2009 interview. What made a difference at Catholic schools, he told reporters in numerous interviews, was formation in virtue, and in faith. Before joining the Navy, and eventually making his way to Hollywood, Philbin attended the University of Notre Dame, and before that the Catholic schools in the Bronx, where he grew up. Philbin was named in part for Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier. But his unusual first name cam...

St. James the Greater — Fisherman and Son of Thunder…

Guido Reni, “Saint James the Great,” c. 1637 St. James the Greater — Fisherman and Son of Thunder St. James the Greater is honored July 25, and he is the patron saint of Spain, arthritics, soldiers and pilgrims. He walked along from there and saw two other brothers, James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They were in a boat, with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him. ―Matthew 4:21–22 James the Greater was a fisherman from Galilee whom Jesus called to be an apostle. This James happened to be part of a trio of apostles who were with Jesus during three particular occasions. James, his brother John, and Peter made up this distinctive group. The first James-John-Peter event was the raising of t...

Batman versus modern art…

An episode of the old Batman series offers an exposé on the pretentiousness of modern art. The secret’s out. My dual identity has been discovered. By day, I spend my time in the company of serious writers and thinkers, such as Homer, Dante, Shakespeare and Thomas Aquinas, but by night I sit down with my 11-year-old daughter to watch episodes of Batman, the 1960s television series starring Adam West and Burt Ward as the dynamic duo. The reason for my living a double-life is simple enough. I want to share with my daughter the innocent pleasure and rambunctious fun that I had as a child. I remember enjoying Batman when it was first aired in England back in the late sixties, when I was a wee lad of only 5 or 6 years old. I remember receiving a toy Batmobile for Christmas and playing with it in...

Catholic bishops join Orthodox in marking Friday as ‘Day of Mourning’ for Hagia Sophia…

CNA Staff, Jul 24, 2020 / 04:00 pm MT (CNA).- Catholic bishops across the United States have issued joint statements with their Greek Orthodox counterparts expressing sorrow at the reopening of Hagia Sophia as a mosque on Friday.  July 24, was declared a “Day of Mourning” as the former Byzantine cathedral opened for formal Islamic Friday prayers for the first time in more than 80 years on July 24.  Hagia Sophia had been a museum since Turkey’s establishment as a secular state. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signed a decree July 10 converting it into a mosque following a ruling by the Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative court, earlier that day which declared unlawful an 80-year old government decree converting the building from a mosque into a museum. R...

Now, more than ever, we need books. Real, tangible books…..

The famous phrase “the medium is the message” comes from Marshall McLuhan in his book, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. McLuhan was a Catholic and really should be more widely read in our day. The quip means that the very way that you receive something is perhaps more important than what you receive. We can thank McLuhan for his prophetic message that new media doesn’t just provide new means of culture; they are a new culture. His thesis is now proven beyond any doubt. A new media doesn’t just have a message – it is one. Discerning what that message is, however, can take time. Marshall McLuhan wrote in the 60s about electronic media. Perhaps by now we can begin to get a glimpse of its message. Unless of course its message is simply to erase all others. Thus, if McLuhan was right...

The latest document from the Pontifical Academy of Life, on the COVID-19 pandemic, is an embarrassment to the Catholic faithful…..

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Jul 22, 2020 The latest document from the Vatican, a reflection on the CO19 pandemic, is an embarrassment to the Catholic faithful. The Pontifical Academy for Life, under the leadership of the controversial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, produced the document, and the Vatican press office introduced it on July 22 with a title as prolix as the statement itself: “Useful information on the Document of the Pontifical Academy for Life: Humana Communitas in the age of pandemic: untimely meditations on life’s rebirth.” That title is misleading; the document provides very little hard information. But I will grant this much: it is “untimely.” There is never a good time for this sort of vapid rumination. Even in describing the unhappy social situa...

This Sunday, Jesus the storyteller tells our story…

By Tom Hoopes, July 23, 2020 “I can only answer the question ‘what am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question ‘Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?” That is what Scottish philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre says in his seminal work After Virtue, and it explains why in the Gospel this Sunday, the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) Jesus speaks in parables for the third and final week in a row. Jesus tells us stories that give our whole life a context, and we need that badly. Without these stories we are each like Jason Bourne, trying to guess who we are without the most important information. In the Bourne movies, based on the novels by Robert Ludlum, a man with amnesia is pulled out of the water by a fishing boat at sea. He has no idea who he is, but he soon begins to ...

The New York Times lets Planned Parenthood spin bad news about Margaret Sanger?

<div class="sqs-block video-block sqs-block-video" data-block-json="{"blockAnimation":"none","layout":"caption-hidden","overlay":true,"description":{"html":"NY Planned Parenthood Removing Margaret Sanger's Name from Clinic Over 'Harmful Connections'"},"hSize":null,"floatDir":null,"html":"\n","url":"","width":854,"height":480,"providerName":"YouTube","thumbnailUrl":"","resolvedBy":"youtube"}” data-block-type=”32″ id=”block-yui_3_...