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James Papandrea: How (and why) to read the Bible through the Church Fathers…

James Papandrea: How (and why) to read the Bible through the Church Fathers…

“We live in a world that is so focused on the self and individualism and each person making him- or herself their highest authority, that when you apply that sort of worldview and that sort of way of thinking to reading Scripture, then it very quickly becomes…all about me. And that’s entirely the wrong way to read Scripture…Especially as our culture has been influenced by the Protestant Reformation and Protestant Christianity, I think that we have lost our way in terms of how we are supposed to read Scripture,” said James L. Papandrea, Ph.D., a professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Ill.

Papandrea is the author of books, including “Reading Scripture Like the Early Church: Seven Insights from the Church Fathers to Help You Understand the Bible” (Sophia Institute Press). 

Learn more at his website and hear a previous Respect Life Radio interview with him: “Pondering the truths of the early Church? It’s Catholic.”

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