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Outside Time

Outside Time

If I could live outside of time
Like God does

To know what was, what is,
And most importantly,
What is to come

Perhaps I would
Worry less
Laugh more
Persevere effortlessly
Hope absolutely
Pray without ceasing

And yet here I stand
Bound by time
Watching minute by minute
Not knowing what’s next
Unsure of tomorrow or next year

Jesus existed in timelessness
He is the Alpha and the Omega
Who was, and is, and is to come

Nevertheless, He stepped into time
Spent three decades
Plus three years
As the third Person of the Trinity
Made flesh like us

Here in this wasteland
Of pain and suffering
He walked and cried
Healed and taught 
He trusted the Father
Laughed with His disciples
And prayed without ceasing

Jesus knew why He came
But didn’t know the when
Of what was to come
Until it was time, His time

And so perhaps
With His example in mind
Though I am bound by time
I shall worry less and laugh with friends
Hope and trust as He did
Persevere in spite of uncertainty
Knowing the why of my existence
Is to worship my timeless Creator

Depending on this truth:
The when of each experience
That is to come
Is safely in the palm of His mighty hand

Linda L.

Linda L. Kruschke is the author of My Name Is Beloved, winner of the Unpublished Memoir category of the Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Writing Contest, as well as a self-published author of two poetry books. She is a wife, mother, active member of her church, former Bible Study Fellowship leader, and recovering lawyer. She works as the Director of Legal Publications for the Oregon State Bar. But her real passion is sharing God’s healing grace with others, especially those haunted by sexual trauma and abortion. She struggled with major clinical depression for many years, but through the power of forgiveness has become a fearless follower of Christ, living in the assurance of her salvation and God’s love. She blogs at Another Fearless Year and Broken Believers.

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