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The blood of St. Januarius just miraculously liquified for the third time in 2022 — watch the video here…..

The blood of St. Januarius just miraculously liquified for the third time in 2022 — watch the video here…..

Praise God for this amazing miracle! 🙌

The blood of St. Januarius liquified for the third time in 2022 on Dec. 16 at the Cathedral of Naples in Naples, Italy.

The miracle of liquefaction occurred at the Cathedral’s Chapel Treasury at 10:56 a.m. local time, approximately two hours after chapel abbott Msgr. Vincenzo De Gregorio removed the reliquary from the safe.

Watch the video below:

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History of the Miracle of Liquefaction 

Dec. 16 is the the anniversary of Naples’ preservation from the 1631 Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption.

The blood last liquified on Sept. 19 of this year.

According to Vatican journalist Francesco Antonio Grana, the blood “almost never” liquifies on Dec. 16.

While the Church does not officially recognize the miracle, locals consider it a “good sign” for the city of Naples.

The liquefaction miracle of St. Januarius’ blood potentially occurs three times per year at the Cathedral of Naples in Italy: the first Saturday of May (the celebration of his relics arriving at the Cathedral), on the saint’s Sept. 19 feast, and on Dec. 16.

St. Januarius was a third century bishop known for his bravery in defending his flock and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He is the patron saint of Naples, Italy.

St. Januarius, please pray for us!

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[See also: St. Januarius’ Blood Liquifies on His Feast Day in Italy – Watch the Miraculous Video!]

[See also: Thieves Fearing Curse Return Stolen Relic of Christ’s Blood to “Indiana Jones of Art”]



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