Author: S&P

From coast to coast, the shrines to Mother Cabrini testify to her miracles and deep impact on America…

Not far from the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Shrine where Mother Cabrini is buried, New York state put up a statue where “Mother Cabrini” looks out from Manhattan’s Battery Park toward the Statue of Liberty standing tall, holding her torch aloft, at the mouth of the harbor where many immigrants had first entered the U.S. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, born in 1850, founded a missionary order, the Miss...

The McCarrick Report is so breathtaking that one wonders if anyone in the Vatican actually understands the magnitude of the precedent they just set…..

ROME – When I took Western Civ in college, our professor once read aloud to the class an excerpt from the diary of a Roman senator written on Sept. 4, 476 AD. The senator described his efforts to suck up to 16-year-old Emperor Romulus Augustulus in hopes of being appointed to some high office, perhaps a tribune or magistrate. On that same day, Romulus Augustulus, the last emperor in the West, was ...

On the lost art of “pairing ’em up” and its effects on marriage today…

One of the more common concerns that young adults express to me is the difficulty in meeting and dating. Once adulthood is reached, of course, the purpose of dating is to look for a spouse. Hence their problem is a problem for all of us since marriage and family are so central to the life of the Church and is the foundation of our culture and nation. When I was a young priest, more than thirty yea...

We need to look very carefully at this Sunday’s Parable of the Talents…

By Tom Hoopes, November 12, 2020 Jesus continues his discussion of living (and dying) well this Sunday, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. This week, it’s the Parable of the Talents. Jesus asks us to imagine a wealthy man splitting his possessions among several managers while he is away on a long journey. Imagine taking that risk: He puts other people in charge of everything — his daily living...

Does God care whether I exist?

It is an unfortunate and terrifying catechesis that presents God as a being whose happiness is indifferent to my existence. 

Video shows 90-year-old Cardinal Tumi telling kidnappers: ‘I will preach what is the truth with pastoral and biblical conviction’…

Rome Newsroom, Nov 12, 2020 / 01:00 pm MT (CNA).- When 90-year-old Cardinal Christian Tumi was interrogated in captivity by armed separatists in Cameroon last week, he calmly told his captors that he had been called by God to preach only what is true. A video published on social media Nov. 7 revealed a conversation that took place while Cardinal Tumi was held overnight by separatist mili...

Inside Rome’s secure vault for stolen art — some of the art is real, some fake, but it’s all had a brush with the criminal underworld…..

When a ceramic relief depicting the Madonna with Child was returned to the church of Scansano in Tuscany, Italy, after five decades of absence, the town threw a solemn celebration. The local bishop, priest, prefect, mayor, and law enforcement officials all attended. On a September morning in 2020, a crowd gathered. The torso-sized relief was propped up, surrounded by plants. A band blared nearby. ...

Pope Francis congratulates Biden on election victory in phone call…

In a news release, the Biden-Harris transition team said the call occurred Nov. 12. WASHINGTON — Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden spoke with Pope Francis on Thursday, his office has announced. The Catholic, former vice president, and presumptive next president was congratulated on his electoral victory by the pope on the morning of Nov. 12. “President-elect Joe Biden spoke this morning with H...

Archbishop Viganò responds to criticism leveled against him in McCarrick Report…

More than any other person except for Theodore McCarrick himself, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is responsible for triggering the 449-page Vatican report released this week that details what other Church leaders knew about the disgraced ex-cardinal’s decades-long pattern of sexual misconduct, and the actions they took or failed to take with respect to what they had learned. As the report itself do...

Proposed bill to desecrate ‘Valley of the Fallen,’ Spanish Civil War memorial, raises concern among divided population…

The recently proposed Spanish bill, “Democratic Memory,” was originally meant to enable the Spanish Supreme Court to investigate the violation of human rights during the Civil War of 1936-39, as well as to search and identify the remains of missing persons.  Instead, it may provide political cover for a government-sponsored desecration of the Valley of the Fallen — the Civil War memorial that...

Theodore McCarrick, not John Paul II, is the story of the McCarrick Report…

Shortly after the release of the Vatican’s long-awaited report on the career of cashiered cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the media herd of independent minds decided that the Big Story here was . . . not about Theodore McCarrick. Rather, the Big Story was that Pope John Paul II, prior to appointing him archbishop of Washington, knew of allegations and rumors that McCarrick was sexually compromised. H...

The end is near — maybe…

By Fr. Jerry Pokorsky ( bio – articles – email ) | Nov 09, 2020 Some suggest we live in the end times as prophesized in the Book of Apocalypse. Way back in 1978, Pope John Paul II famously suggested: We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine Providence; it is...