
When is War ‘Just?’

Thinking, biblical Christians can certainly disagree about Syria. And do. All lament the loss of tens of thousands of lives, coupled with the millions of displaced refugees, the civil war has produced. And without a doubt, all denounce the use of chemical weapons, and agree there should be serious consequences. But should there be direct military intervention? Forget about the “red line” of promised retaliation that many feel is forcing our hand to act. Let’s also put aside whether we should act alone, seek a resolution from the United Nations, or attempt to solicit wide support from allies and the Arab nations of the Middle East. Let’s overlook the implications a military attack on Syria would have for Turkey, or Israel, or even the risk of inciting a regional conflict. Let’s even bracket...

Don’t Follow Your Heart

“Begin with the end in mind” is a phrase that might be familiar if you know of Stephen Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In the book, Covey notes with amazement how often people jump into projects, hobbies, relationships, and careers without first asking the simple question: “How do I want this to turn out?” Many spend their entire lives climbing a ladder to “success” only to be disappointed at the end because their ladder was leaning on the wrong wall. The question is, what’s the right wall to set the ladder of your life on? Covey advises to picture success by starting with your own desires. Just imagine life as you want it to be. “Follow your heart” is the cliche du jour that comes to ...

How do different translations of the bible impact our understanding of its content ? god uncovered. © 2024 zodiac tv global. Praise him because it is a remarkable thing to suffer for god.