
The Pillar’s Starting Seven for October 31…

Welcome to Starting 7, The Pillar’s new daily newsletter. I’m Luke Coppen and I aim to guide you each weekday morning to the most interesting Catholic news and comment. 😇 Today’s feast:  St. Wolfgang. 📜 Today’s readings:  Phil 2:1-4  ▪  Ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3 ▪  Lk 14:12-14. 🗞  Starting seven 1: Pope Francis has reportedly given a cardinal’s ring to Bishop Luc van Looy, despite the Belgian bishop declining the red hat due to his record on handling abuse cases (Dutch report, Hendro Munsterman). 2: Nicaragua’s embattled Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes will reportedly have two papal audiences during his current trip to Rome (Spanish report). 3:  Asian Church leaders have issued a “message of joy, hope, and solidarity” at the end of...

This lesser-known story about Our Lord from the Gospels is very charming, and very cool…

Recently I was talking to a group of young adult Catholics and mentioned a gospel passage that they said they had never heard. It is the Gospel of the Temple Tax and how Jesus told Peter to go catch a fish and, in its mouth will be a coin that will pay the Temple Tax for Jesus and Peter. In a certain sense it is one of the more charming gospel passages and kind of “cool.” It shows Jesus’ sovereignty over creation and the rather interesting twist of finding money in the mouth of a certain fish from a large large of likely millions of fish. In the Holy Land today, when you have a meal near the Sea of Galilee, many of the restaurants serve “Peter’s Fish” that is served with a coin in its mouth. The bible study students before me, mostly in their early thirties, were perplexed that they had ne...

‘The Truest Ghost Story Ever Told’ — The Eerie ‘Wizard Clip’ Incident of West Virginia…

Nestled in West Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, the town of Middleway boasts a ghost story that rivals the most famous haunted tales. What makes this haunting stand out is that it is a Catholic story—a tale of sacraments denied, vengeful spirits, a saintly Catholic priest, and the power of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And the story of the “Wizard Clip” is not just a legend, for the evidence supporting its veracity led Cardinal Gibbons’ own private secretary, then the editor of the Catholic Review, to proclaim it the “truest ghost story ever told.” Our story begins in 1794, when a stranger knocked on the farmhouse door of Mr. Adam Livingston, a Lutheran farmer, and asked for shelter. Late that night, the man took ill and begged for a priest. Livingston, deeply prejudiced against “papists,”...

Dozens of Catholic Villagers Reportedly Killed in Central Nigeria Raid…

Details are still emerging after a violent raid by Fulani herdsmen Oct. 19 in Benue State, Central Nigeria, reportedly left dozens of Catholic villagers killed. Police and clergy agree that the raid was in reprisal for the killing of four Fulani herdsmen earlier in the week in a clash between herdsmen and farmers defending their crops. Accounts differ as to the exact number killed in the Oct. 19 raid. A county chairman, Kartyo Tyoumbur, told CNA that at least 71 residents of Gbjeji — virtually all of whom were worshippers at a parish branch of St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church — were killed in the attack. He said at least 35 bodies were found after the raid and 36 more bodies were recovered later in adjoining fields. The dead included women and children, along with two policemen, he said...

California Catholic church vandalized — baptismal font damaged, obscenities carved onto altar, Hosts desecrated…

COLUSA — A Catholic church was vandalized this week in Colusa County. Police are calling the act a hate crime.    The tight-knit Catholic community in Colusa says seeing their place of worship completely desecrated has left them shaken up after 67-year-old James Stoltenberg allegedly vandalized the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Stoltenberg is suspected to have broken into the church on Oct. 25 and caused $10,000 worth of damage. He was arrested two days later as church security video captured the incident. James Stoltenberg   Solano County Sheriff’s Office Images from the incident show the baptismal font desecrated, the tabernacle thrown, Eucharist strewn across the floor, and obscenities carved onto the altar. Deacon Dr. Julian Delgado says many of the items de...

This amazing video, showing an out-of-control car jumping harmlessly over a priest’s car, was filmed on the feast of the Guardian Angels…

Posted on October 18, 2022 by Fr John Bok OFM A car goes airborne over Fr. John Bok’s vehicle. I believe in science and the laws of physics. My first assignment after ordination was to our Franciscan high school in Cincinnati. I taught various science classes including physics. As a Christian I also believe in the providence of God, miracles, and Guardian Angels. I had an experience on Sunday, October 2, the feast of the Guardian Angels, that has made me reflect often on God’s providence, miracles, Guardian Angels, and the laws of physics. On most weekends I have a Mass at St. Andrew Parish in Milford. On Sunday, October 2, I was scheduled for the 9:00 a.m. Mass. At about 8:40 a.m. I was on a road behind the church just about ready to turn in the church’s parking lot. I sort of saw s...

Sunday Angelus: Pope Prays for Hundreds Killed in Islamic Car Bombings in Somalia, Halloween Stampede in South Korea…

Speaking at the end of his Angelus address, the pope also prayed for the victims of a crowd surge at a massive Halloween festival in South Korea that killed at least 151 people, according to Reuters. “And let us also pray to the Risen Lord for those, mostly young people, who died last night in Seoul from the tragic consequences of a sudden crowd surge,” the pope said. In his reflection on Sunday’s Gospel, Pope Francis told the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square during life’s most difficult moments “Jesus always looks at us with love.” “God’s gaze never stops at our past full of mistakes, but looks with infinite confidence at what we can become,” the pope said. The pope noted that Jesus looked up to see Zacchaeus in the sycamore tree in the Gospel of Luke. “This is the history of...

Without Christ, man would have no right to ridicule the devil. Without Easter, man would have nothing to celebrate on Halloween…..

There is a house down the street from us that becomes an object of annual interest to my children as the days grow short and the nights cold. When we go for evening walks, they pause before it with wide eyes. Skeletons carrying coffins march across the lawn. A spectral bride’s veil stirs in the breeze. Grinning zombies lurk in the bushes, prisoners gnash their teeth in crow cages, and monstrous spiders crawl up the porch rails. Tombstones, jack-o-lanterns, and skulls complete the macabre yet playful neighborhood spectacle that my kids behold in wonder every October. As we took it in this year, remarking on a couple of new cadaverous additions, my son scratched his scruffy 10-year-old head and said, “Dad, what does Halloween celebrate?” The further our culture falls away from the celebratio...

The Catholic Church is the most inclusive body in the world, but even she can’t include people who exclude themselves…..

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio – articles – email ) | Oct 28, 2022 Our Catholic World News report tells the story: New Synod document calls for a more inclusive Church. The problem, of course, is that the Catholic Church is already as inclusive as any organization for “believers” can actually be. A century ago, Anglicans who observed the incredible diversity of ethnicities and social backgrounds in the Catholic Church used to joke that she is the rather distressing Church of “here comes everybody.” Catholicism is already inclusive of all kinds of people—men, women, and children, no matter what their ethnicity, nationality, state in life, and position in society, no matter what their (moral) profession or job, and no matter what they have believed or done in the past. If anyone commits...

Archbishop Paglia’s transformation of the PAL is not an extension of its mission. It’s a hostile takeover…..

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Oct 28, 2022 Last week in this space, I expressed my dismay at the news that Pope Francis had appointed a pro-abortion scholar to the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL)— and Archbishop Vincenzio Paglia, the president of the PAL, had compounded the problem by adopting the rhetoric of the abortion lobby and insisting that his new colleague was not “pro-abortion” but merely “pro-choice.” Then we learned that another newly appointed member of the PAL had indulged in pro-abortion sloganeering, saying that the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, “undermines basic requirements of tolerance toward the pluralism of moral perspectives within society.” So there were two avowed proponents of legal abortion among the 14 ne...

For better sleep, borrow the bedtime routine of a toddler. Here are 3 easy steps to help you get some much-needed rest…..

Before you turn to books, blogs, sleep-coaches, apps, or one of many products in search of a more satisfying slumber, you might want to consult a toddler. Luckily, there are millions of these tiny advisors waddling around, ready to serve as top-notch sleep role models. Why we need good sleep habits Catching Z’s is critical for many functions of the human body, and current guidelines recommend adults consistently get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Previous research has shown that decreased sleep is associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and depression. More recent research has linked a lack of sleep in adults in their 50s to 70s to the development of dementia. Sleep is even more important for young children, as they need it for...

In historic shift, Catholics now outnumber Protestants in Northern Ireland…

Northern Ireland’s predominantly Protestant identity has been its foundational premise ever since its creation a century ago — until now. “We are a Protestant parliament and a Protestant State,” the first prime minister of Northern Ireland, Sir James Craig, confidently asserted before the legislature of the nascent state in 1921. His successor, Basil Brooke, went further and admonished a group of Protestant farmers: “Many in this audience employ Catholics, but I have not one about my place. … If we in Ulster allow Roman Catholics to work on our farms, we are traitors to Ulster,” he said. Both men typified the founding narrative of Northern Ireland. Created in 1921 in the six northeastern counties of Ireland, it was to remain part of the United Kingdom when the 26 southern counties won inde...