
Biden administration waives Supreme Court review in key transgender fight…

For the last six years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has pushed a controversial “transgender mandate,” which threatens religious doctors and hospitals with multimillion dollar penalties unless they perform gender transitions in violation of their conscience and medical judgment. When those doctors fought back—winning a major victory in federal appeals court in August—the fight appeared poised to head to the Supreme Court. But on Friday, the Biden administration gave up on seeking Supreme Court review—meaning the hard-fought victory for religious liberty now stands as a powerful precedent nationwide.  The case, called Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra, was brought by a Catholic hospital system and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, a nationwide organiz...

Pope’s Sunday Angelus: ‘Advent Is a Moment of Grace to Confess Our Sins and to Welcome God’s Pardon’…

By Vatican News staff writer Speaking to pilgrims gathered for the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis spoke about the role of John the Baptist as recounted in the Gospel in inviting everyone to conversion, saying “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” John the Baptist was an austere and radical believer, the Pope said, calling people to conversion with a “cry of love to return to God.” Allergic to hypocrisy The Pope said we might think that John the Baptist, given his severity, was a harsh person, even instilling a bit of fear, and we might wonder why he is our primary companion during the Season of Advent. Instead, rather than harshness, it was the Baptist’s strong reaction when he encountered duplicity in persons. Recalling episodes when the Pharisees and Sadducees, ...

This Christmas, introduce your family to Servant of God Julia Greeley (and be prepared for miracles)…

By all odds, the life of Julia Greeley should have been lost to history. Born into slavery in the 1840s, she came into the world with no last name and few prospects, and by all accounts, was poor all her life. Yet today she qualifies as a true heroic figure — the kind of real-life hero that parents would be eager to introduce to their kids.  Now, the accomplished essayist and writer of children’s books, Maura Roan McKeegan, has done just that. Her latest picture book, Julia Greeley: Secret Angel to the Poor (Ignatius-Magnificat, 2022) recounts the true — and truly heroic — story of a woman who overcame cruel racial oppression, physical disabilities and lifelong poverty to become celebrated even in her lifetime as “Denver’s Angel of Charity.” As befits a hero, her life story has not on...

The Vatican is buzzing with conspiracy theories as hackers take down the Pope’s website…

Associated Press 1,700 dead seals found on Russia’s Caspian coast About 1,700 seals have been found dead on the Caspian Sea coast in southern Russia, officials said Sunday. Regional officials initially said Saturday that 700 dead seals were found on the coast, but on Sunday Zaur Gapizov, head of the Caspian Environmental Protection Center, said according to the state RIA Novosti news agency that after a broader inspection of the coast the number of dead animals was 1,700. Gapizov said the seals likely died a couple of weeks ago. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Unforgiveness is serving time for someone else’s crime…

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Thy will be done, but why?

There is a solemn anticipation, a stillness of the day and night where all humanity if they so choose, await the coming of a Savior. Our human attitude begins its preparation to embrace a Divine attitude, which proposes to bring sanctification and salvation through the birth of the Incarnate Word. For the Divine attitude to take form, we are called to enter a story that introduces us to our origin as created human beings in the image and likeness of God. We are intimately part of a Divine narrative whose author, God the Father, never ceases to reveal how deeply loved we are, primarily through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our response to His love is our human act of the will to follow His Divine will and openly accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and King. St. Augustine reminds us that one of the chi...

Conservatives have a women problem, and it’s not going to go away on its own…

What most of feminism’s adherents have missed is that the first feminists asked the wrong question. These feminist pioneers asked not, “How do we make women as women better?” but, “How do we make women more like men?” By Carrie Gress There has been a lot of chatter since the midterms about how women voted, breaking significantly toward the Democratic Party. Although the issue isn’t new, it has become the elephant in the electoral room. Conservatives can tackle it by understanding the roots that buttress women’s votes instead of hoping it will go away on its own. Much of what informs women’s votes is feminism, which has been an earnest effort by millions for over two centuries now to help improve the lives of women. What most of feminism’s adherents have missed is that the first femini...

Church and state in Ukraine, ‘un-baptisms’ in Belgium, and bread in France…

Happy Friday friends, It’s been something of a busy week in the news, so I am going to spare you the banter up top as we dive right in. The News Our top stories this week both come from Ukraine via our correspondent, Anatolii Babynskyi. Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a coming major crackdown on the operation of Moscow-affiliated Orthodox churches in the country. For weeks, Ukrainian intelligence services have been staging raids on monasteries, rectories, and chanceries belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP). The government claims to have found reams of Russian propaganda material promoting the Russkiy-mir worldview of Vladimir Putin and denying the right of Ukraine to exist as an independent nation. Now, Zelensky says, th...

Bishop Robert Barron to give 2023 commencement address at Hillsdale College…

Bishop Robert Barron will be the commencement speaker for the class of 2023, according to an email announcement from Provost Christopher VanOrman’s office Wednesday. “Hillsdale is a Christian college, nonsectarian since its founding,” College President Larry Arnn said. “It holds firmly to the Christian teachings of time immemorial. Bishop Barron is a great teacher and defender of those truths. It is an honor and blessing to have him.” Barron is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and the Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota. Word on Fire seeks to use new forms of media to share the gospel and draw people to the Catholic faith, according to its website. Senior Class President Andrew Davidson said a survey of the senior class revealed they wanted a religious fig...

St. John the Baptist is very much the voice of conscience. He even looks and sounds like a conscience might…..

The voice of one crying in the desert in the Gospel for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year A is the voice of your conscience. What does the voice want? Whatever change it takes in your case to make a straight path for the Lord to enter your life this Christmas. John the Baptist is very much the voice of conscience. He even looks and sounds like a conscience might. He lives on the bare necessities: clothing made of camel’s hair and whatever food he can find in the desert. He has excluded himself from all the temptations of pride in politics and religion, and is a new thing on the scene: A prophet like the prophets of old, willing to tell the truth without compromise. We need John the Baptist badly in the Church now. And in our hearts. Instead of prophets, we have three kinds of commentators ...

Our personal Advents may come to us through pain, joy and longing, because all three give us reason to say, ‘Come, Lord Jesus’…

COMMENTARY: It may come to us through pain, joy and longing. All three give us reason to say, ‘Come, Lord Jesus.’ It was an Advent experience. When our children were small, I loved singing songs they knew with my own lyrics, usually at bedtime. Chim Chim Cher-ee was the first, I think. Our eldest loved Mary Poppins and I thought it was a lovely song. I sang to her: Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo,Oh, Sarah, my daughter,Your daddy loves you. Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee,Oh, Sarah, my Sarah,You’re precious to me.Sarah, my darling,You’re precious to me. I sang more verses, but I don’t remember them now. I loved making up new lyrics for popular songs and singing them to the children. I miss it. Life gives you some joys just for a season, and seasons pass. The...

Former Anglican minister Gavin Ashenden says he’s changed his mind about seeking ordination as a Catholic priest…

Dr Gavin Ashenden(Photo: Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury) How might St Paul, the Archduke Ferdinand and the Catholic Church come together in a story set at the end of 2022? They might offer themselves as useful interpretative devices as the story of what is happening in the Church in the West today continues to unravel. Some commentators who have been following my journey and reading my work have taken an interest in the fact that I have withdrawn my application to be ordained as a priest in the Catholic Church, and wondered why. The dynamics that drove the story might have a wider application than just us. In my critique of the heterodoxy of developing Feminism and its promotion of relativism and all things gay, I found myself on a journey that left an increasingly compromised Anglicanism ...