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Mary Eberstadt: “Behind these protests, behind these people screaming in the street, is a deep suffering that has been brought on by a crisis of fatherlessness”…

Mary Eberstadt: “Behind these protests, behind these people screaming in the street, is a deep suffering that has been brought on by a crisis of fatherlessness”…

December 17, 2020

“…Behind these protests, behind these people screaming in the street, is a deep suffering that has been brought on by a crisis of paternity. This is not only about literal fatherlessness — although when 40 percent of kids are being raised without a dad at home, it’s certainly partly about that. But in the article I try to make the connection to other forms of the father, beginning with the Father in heaven,” said Mary Eberstadt, senior fellow at the Faith & Reason Institute, author of many books and of the recent article, “The Fury of the Fatherless” in First Things. Follow her at

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