Author: S&P

What the Pilgrims Can Teach You about Thankgiving

By all appearances, we Americans still cling to the Thanksgiving holiday, setting aside a few hours for a special meal with family and friends before turning on the football game or heading to the mall for a deal on electronics.  But we have long since abandoned any idea of a Thanksgiving season, an extended period in which to anticipate the holiday, reflect on its significance, and live out ...

5 Ways Church History Can Revitalize Your Church

We live in a world of cutting edge and the “next big thing.” Like bugs to a porch light we hover around TV’s and computer screens watching as the latest “iWhatever” is released. “This one is 5% bigger and more powerful!” announces the middle-aged man in skinny jeans standing on the platform with his company’s new gadget. We rush out to pre-order that latest “it” product. Once we finally receive ou...

7 Lessons from the Mark Driscoll Fallout

Whenever a pastor falls, especially one who is famous (or infamous), it affords the church in general and pastors specifically an opportunity to do some serious reflection. I serve as pastor of a local church. I have served on a church staff since I was a 20 year old college sophomore. Twenty seven years later I daily realize how much I still need to grow. Like so many, I have thought and opined q...

What You Need to Know about Your Pastor’s Spiritual Life

I hope you don’t think pastors are superhuman. When you mostly see us on best behavior one morning a week, it is easy to get an unbalanced view of us. I want to let you in on a little secret. Pastors are normal people. So no one should be surprised when a pastor messes up – whether it is a famous pastor, or your pastor. We are in the same fight you’re in. We are not aloof from your spiritual battl...

Don’t Just Vote, Be a Good Citizen

[Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt of Greg Forster’s book Joy for the World: How Christianity Lost Its Cultural Influence & Can Begin Rebuilding It. (Crossway Books, 2014, pp. 268-272) Reprinted by permission.] Why Politics Takes over Everything How does citizenship go wrong? A growing number of people sense that in America today, partisan conflict—the contest for power—is taking over...

All Saints’ Day… Whom Are We Celebrating?

November 1st is All Saints Day! This ceremonial event is a day that we praise all the saints — known & unknown! To honor All Saints Day, please join us in reading or saying this quick devotion:  Dear God, praise you for giving us the glorious example of the Saints. I aspire to meet their company, praising you forever in Heaven. Please help me to follow in their footsteps, and yours,...

Happy Reformation Day!

Try reading the book of Acts in the Bible and not getting excited about the growth of the early church. The disciples heard and obeyed the risen Christ when he commanded, “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” (Matthew 28:19)   Through that phenomenal growth, the Roman Catholic Church developed. It was the only official body of believers for hundreds of years until th...

5 Tools for Growing Your Prayer Life

For years, when I thought about prayer, I mostly felt guilty for my lack of a robust prayer life. Reading stories of great saints praying for two hours a day or more left me with a gnawing sense of defeat. I would often resolve to pray more. But the resolves didn’t last. One day I realized that something had changed. While not exactly satisfied with my prayer life, I knew that I had one. I’m sure ...

2 Types of Christians: Which Are You?

Charles Spurgeon’s voice was said to boom when he preached, enabling thousands at a time to hear him without the aid of modern amplification. It seems fitting that such a voice was known for uttering weighty words. Imagine the mood at the Metropolitan Tabernacle as these words traveled past column after column, row after row, filling the ears and piercing the hearts of all who were present: “Every...

Are You Thinking Like a Real Christian?

It’s a big question, no doubt. All too often we leap ahead to form opinions about the world around us without addressing how we should form them. We tend to take for granted that how we think through things is the right way to do so. But before addressing what we should think, we need to examine how we should think. In light of that, Romans 12:2 provides a helpful warning and exhortation to us. Pa...

Gospel-Motivated Modesty Is Better than Legalism

My daughter is precious beyond belief. An exploding barrel of gunpowder, rainbow sprinkles, unicorns, and sarcastic Barbie Dolls is probably the best description of her personality. She’s a caring and compassionate soul who melts my heart with a funny phrase or hint of a smile. And, I want her to become a confident woman who leads with her personality, glorifies God, and demands the right attentio...

How to Criticize Other Christians without Being Mean

Every now and again it’s good to be reminded of the obvious. We need such reminders more often than we’d like to admit. I know I do. At various times in my Christian life I’ve been startled by the ease with which I can jump to conclusions, assume the worst, and demonize those with whom I disagree. In these moments the Lord has often reminded me, sometimes painfully, of a simple truth: don’t let yo...