
9 key things the U.S. bishops did at their fall meeting in Baltimore…

The bishops gave a standing ovation after an impassioned speech on the war against Russia by Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Borys Gudziak. Cardinal Robert McElroy of San Diego, who was named to the College of Cardinals by Pope Francis in May, urged the USCCB to stand by Ukraine. Referring to the possibility that a Republican majority in the House of Representatives might back out of the nation’s commitment to the war effort in Ukraine, McElroy called on the bishops to act with haste to ensure continued U.S. military aid. In his speech Gudziak thanked the bishops and U.S. Catholics for their continued monetary support for humanitarian aid. 6. The bishops elected a steadfast defender of life to the pro-life committee. The election of Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, a staunch d...

‘Greater love hath no man than this’ — The Catholic WWII hero of Christ the King Sunday…

As Catholics in the U.S. marked the Feast of Christ the King 80 years ago, an American soldier gave his life to save his comrades in the South Pacific. In 1942, as Catholics in the United States marked Christ the King Sunday, a big hero from little Rhode Island died while saving others. His name is Elwood J. Euart. This year makes the 80th anniversary of his death in the early days of World War II. The Feast of Christ the King was originally celebrated in October. When Pope Pius XI released his encyclical Quas Primas (On the Feast of Christ the King) in 1925 he called for “the Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ to be observed yearly throughout the whole world on the last Sunday of the month of October — the Sunday, that is, which immediately precedes the Feast of All Saints.” I...

Pope Francis in the Asti Cathedral: ‘Make Servants of Ourselves, in Order to Reign With Christ the King’…

On Saturday, besides lunch in his cousin’s home in Portocomaro, he also stopped at a church and visited a nursing home and residence for the elderly. The pope stayed overnight in the town of Asti, where he celebrated Mass at the cathedral and ate lunch with Bishop Marco Prastaro, before flying back to the Vatican by helicopter on Sunday afternoon. Christ became a slave “so that each of us could become a son,” Francis said at Mass Nov. 20. “He let himself be insulted and derided, so that whenever we are brought low, we will never feel alone. He let himself be stripped of his garments, so that no one would ever feel stripped of his or her rightful dignity. He ascended the cross, so that God would be present in every crucified man or woman throughout history.” “Today, as Jesus, naked on the c...

You are sacred — you are made to be the dwelling place of God…..

[embedded content] Shot on location in Haiti, Chris shares with the local Catholic community about the critical important of seeing yourself through God’s eyes. How we see and speak to ourselves has a lot to do with the choices we make and how we see the world around us. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

The Suicide-By-Synod of the German Catholic Church…

(Above, a rainbow flag at the altar in a queer mass celebrated this past spring in Munich by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who now says homosexuality is not a sin.) A friend in the US sent me today this link to an UnHerd piece describing Germany as “Europe’s bordello,” because “industrialized prostitution” and sex trafficking is out of control in that country. How are the country’s Catholic bishops addressing the crisis? By disassembling the Church’s teachings on sexual morality as fast as they can. Advertisement Not all of the German Catholic laity are sitting by idly while their bishops implode the Church. The group New Beginning is trying to alert Catholics around the world about what’s happening in their country, in partial hope that the deceit...

5 helpful tips to take the stress out of Thanksgiving…

By Emily Malloy Thanksgiving is nearly upon us. It is a day of gathering with the sole focus of being thankful for the graces and blessings that have been given. The center of the attention of the day, aside from parades with massive character balloons and highly anticipated football games, is the food! (In our home, we find great joy in watching dear Snoopy create a feast with jelly beans and buttered toast). Ironically, what we most look forward to in the day also brings the greatest stress if you are hosting!  Spoiler alert: it does not have to be this way.  A handful of tips and tricks to simplify the preparations can bring ease to the day so that you can remain in a posture of gratitude.  (1) Create a game plan ahead of time. Do not be ashamed to make it ...

Popular Protestant YouTube host announces decision to convert to Catholicism…

His Protestant friends were “very confident” that his study would only confirm his Protestant faith, “but they were wrong,” he said. “What I found was that the evidence strongly suggests that the papacy is true,” he said. Bertuzzi, whose Capturing Christianity YouTube channel has just short of 150,000 subscribers, said that he will be speaking about the details of his conversion on other channels, not his own.   Matt Fradd, popular Catholic YouTube host of the channel Pints with Aquinas, “got so excited about this news, as you can imagine, he decided to pay to fly me out to the Vatican, the one in Rome, to detail my journey on his channel,” Bertuzzi shared. “So, if you’re interested in my reasons for conversion, the impact this decision has had on me and my family, and all t...

Talking about Ugly History is a powerful way to advance truth and goodness, but two errors have to be avoided…..

In recent years, many writers have offered advice about how to manage a Thanksgiving conversation with friends or family members who hold very different opinions about politics, religion, or the newly radioactive topics of epidemiology and immunology. Most of these articles recommend that we avoid areas of known disagreement for fear of disrupting the emotional ecosystem of a holiday get-together.  But what should we do when we’re in the classroom, and the uncomfortable topic is historical rather than political? Specifically, what do we do about historical events in which some students’ ancestors mistreated other students’ ancestors? My course on the history of our country after 1890 includes what I’ve called “perhaps the most disturbing class you will ever have at The Heights”—the cl...

This Sunday, the world sees a loser, but we see a King…

Jesus shows what it means to face the world with the truth this Christ the King Sunday, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year C. The Gospel presents our king holding court over the world in all his regalia — a crown of thorns, naked except for his torn skin, and the cross as his throne. This last Gospel of the Liturgical Year sums up so much of what Jesus has been saying all year. He said he had no place to lay his head. Here he is, without even a deathbed to die on. He said to take the lowest place at the table to move higher. Here he is taking the lowest — and highest — place. He said the invited guests wouldn’t come to the feast, so he would compel the worst to come. And here he is, crucified between thieves who have no choice but to be there. And there he i...

German priest backs pornography as sexual ‘relief’ for celibates, says Pope Francis was wrong to associate porn with the devil…

In his opinion, “there are positive effects of explicit sexuality in relation to the couple” such as “making their love life become more alive.” In the case of celibate people, the German priest says that “the consumption of explicit sexual representations can have a relieving effect, it can’t be denied.” But he points out: “Of course, there may be better individual relief in this area than pornography.” Referring to Pope Francis’ recent statement warning clerics against the consumption of pornography, Backhaus said that “the clergy, religious, and other people at the service of the Church generally have experience with pornography.” However, he disagrees with the pope regarding his assessment that “the devil enters through there” because of the consumption of pornography. The German pries...

French ‘influencer’ priest posts sacrilegious video parodies of Mass, offers fake apology to Catholics who ‘may have felt hurt’…

In a September interview with a local program, Jasseron explained that he teaches catechism for Catholics. In the video below in which he answers a question that is often asked of him as to whether “being homosexual or practicing homosexuality is a sin” he says, “I’m going to tell you frankly and honestly, friends, that obviously not. It’s not strictly labeled in any place in the Bible, in the Catechism of the Church, in other words, in the whole of Tradition.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church in paragraph 2357 teaches that homosexual attraction is not a sin but that “basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They c...

Are art and technology friends or enemies?

The question isn’t whether art and technology are friends or enemies of each other but whether they are friends or enemies of humanity. Laughter has its place but it can be awkward when it’s out of place. There is, for instance, something decidedly awkward when an audience fails to laugh at the punchline of a joke. Almost as awkward is when an audience laughs when the speaker is not aware that he has said anything funny. This latter experience happened to me, many years ago, during a talk I was giving in Portugal. I can’t recall the topic of the talk itself but it was probably Tolkien-related because I was addressing the hierarchy of creative value, which is the implicit backdrop to Tolkien’s work. I informed the audience that God the Creator was at the top of this hierarchy; then came Cre...