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Would you vow to serve the sick, even at the cost of your life?

Would you vow to serve the sick, even at the cost of your life?

Did you know that so far 1,500 nurses across 44 countries lost their lives while on duty in the Covid-19 pandemic? That is the same number of nurses who died in the First World War!

Healthcare workers make enormous sacrifices these days. Take the army of Catholic nurses and nuns that serve the sick in the pandemic, often risking their own lives. Hundreds of women’s congregations throughout the world are involved. They are armed with two powerful weapons: prayer and love, reports Joel News.

In Italy, the Daughters of St. Camillus, whose vocation is to dedicate themselves to nursing the sick and the elderly, have been in the trenches since the start of the pandemic. The Camillians run five important Italian hospitals in Rome, Trento, Treviso, Brescia and Cremona.

Lancy Ezhupara, Secretary-General of the Order said the sisters are not afraid… on the contrary! “We Daughters of St. Camillus made a fourth vow, in addition to the three classic vows of poverty, obedience and chastity: that of serving the sick even at the cost of our lives.”

This vow, she continued, has become even more meaningful today. “Our mission is to continue the ministry of Jesus as healers. We find comfort in our common fearlessness and readiness to do anything to be close to those who suffer.”

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