
Papal streaks, ‘nein’ is the hardest word, and God save the Queen…

Happy Friday friends, Yesterday brought the deeply sad news that Elizabeth II has gone to her reward. To the extent that it is ever wise to speculate on the disposition of a stranger’s soul, I feel as confident as I can that Herself can hope in the loving mercy of Christ. The sincerity of her Christian faith was all too evident in her words and works, and ever more explicitly so in her later years. The British sovereign, who is also head of the Church of England, is the last monarch to be crowned liturgically. Elizabeth’s coronation was famously the first to be broadcast on television, but, at her own insistence, she was screened from the assembly and the cameras for her anointing, a moment she believed to be of deeply solemn and spiritual importance. The queen considered her role to be, i...

Catholic Medical School Named for Padre Pio Planned at Benedictine College…

“It’s still a respected profession,” he said, noting the attraction for those who want to help others in their career. Benedictine College’s latest strategic plan has made STEM education a focus of particular emphasis. It also advocates advancing its mission through science and health care by forming students in bioethics. The college is sponsored by the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey and the sisters of Mount Scholastica Monastery. As of September 2021, it had more than 2,000 undergraduate students. Mychaskiw said there is a “great prayer foundation” for the proposed medical school. Backers of the new medical school wanted to place it on the campus of a faithful Catholic university, he explained. They only considered universities recommended by the Cardinal Newman Society, an advocacy group...

La Ermita: the Miami home of Cuba’s patroness…

Wednesday, August 24, 2022 Jim Davis – Florida Catholic The National Shrine of Our Lady of Charity takes a conical shape, emulating Mary’s spreading mantle.Tiled rendering of Our Lady of Charity greets visitors inside the front doors of the shrine.A mural of famous Church and Cuban leaders towers above the altar.Centerpiece of the shrine is the replica of Our Lady’s statuette, smuggled out of Cuba in 1961. A Cuban flag has been pinned to her mantle.Above the statuette is a larger rendering of Mary with the Christ Child.Mary stands seaside in a full-width window in the small chapel. Flanking her are typical Marian symbols: a fiery heart for her spiritual zeal, and a white lily for her purity.Also in the chapel are two windows with a chalice, wheat and grapes, the elements ...

Mother Teresa documentary coming to U.S. theaters following Rome premiere…

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Amazon, Tolkien, The Rings of Power and the American technocracy…

This piety carries with it certain negative obligations as well. Because all we are and have is the gift of God, we must not clutch at it too tightly: God can recall the gift when he will. Moreover, because God has created us, we must accept the conditions in which he did so; that is, we must accept both our duties absolute (towards God) and contingent (towards family, home, and country). Tolkien’s heroes are strongly bound by such unchosen obligations. Thus Samwise Gamgee, the true hero of The Lord of the Rings, remains unshakingly loyal to his Master, his family, and his own small corner of the Shire: and all this is presented as a praiseworthy and even necessary devotion. Thus Aragorn quite literally carries the legacy of a millennia-old house and wages his ancestors’ unending war again...

Cardinal Nichols of Westminster: ‘I Am Concerned to Hear the News About Her Majesty the Queen’s Health’…

The British monarch had been on a summer break at her Scottish home since July, the BBC reported. As of Thursday afternoon, all the queen’s children were traveling to or had arrived at the castle.  Nichols noted that Elizabeth’s deep Christian faith — and her encouragement to others to practice their faith — made her a “shining light” in British history. “This faith, so often and so eloquently proclaimed in her public messages, has been an inspiration to me, and I am sure to many. The wisdom, stability and service which she consistently embodied, often in circumstances of extreme difficulty, are a shining legacy and testament to her faith. “Our prayer is that she is now received into the merciful presence of God, there to be reunited with her beloved Prince Philip. This is the promise...

People loved Queen Elizabeth not because she was great, but because she was good…..

“I have been—and remain—very grateful to you for your prayers and to God for His steadfast love. I have indeed seen His faithfulness.” When Elizabeth II took the throne in 1952, Britons had a very definite idea of what monarchs look like. They were tall, handsome men in huge epaulettes, like George VI. At the very least, they might be stately old women like Victoria. And yet here was their new sovereign: a pretty young woman, shy and slight. In her coronation photos, the hand holding the orb rests on her lap, as though her thin arms couldn’t hold it up for long enough to take the photo. That was over sixty years ago. And yet none of England’s great warrior-kings ever commanded so much love and admiration from their subjects as did Elizabeth. But why? In the days to come, there will be no s...

Pope Francis Praises Queen Elizabeth II’s ‘Steadfast Witness of Faith in Jesus Christ’…

Pope Francis concluded his telegram to the new king by praying for the queen’s soul. “Commending her noble soul to the merciful goodness of our Heavenly Father, I assure Your Majesty of my prayers that Almighty God will sustain you with his unfailing grace as you now take up your high responsibilities as King. Upon you and all who cherish the memory of your late mother, I invoke an abundance of divine blessings as a pledge of comfort and strength in the Lord,” the pontiff wrote. In June, Pope Francis sent a congratulatory message to the Queen as the U.K marked the 70th anniversary of her reign. As queen, Elizabeth served as de facto head of the Anglican Church. Her title “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England” dates to the reign of King Henry VIII. As such, sh...

German bishops spike radical ‘synodal way’ document on sex; 61 percent of bishops voted aye, short of two-thirds majority needed to pass…

Members of the German “synodal way” failed to pass on Thursday a resolution calling for a change in the Church’s approach to sexual ethics. The resolution failed to gain enough support from bishops at a synodal meeting held this week in Frankfurt. More than two-thirds of participants in the synodal way process voted to adopt a 30-page document entitled “Life in succeeding relationships – The principles of renewed sexual ethics.” But the resolution did not gain two-thirds of the synodal way’s bishop participants, a requirement for the passage of any resolution. Sixty-one percent of voting German bishops were in favor of the resolution, according to initial German media reports; 33 bishops voted for the motion, 3 abstained, and 21 bishops voted no, enough to stop the resolution’s passa...

A monarch has died — a Christian monarch. That is a solemn reminder of great and serious things…..

No one under 70 can remember a time when she wasn’t here. No one can really — actually, in practical terms — imagine a Britain without her. The Queen was part of our landscape, part of the structure in which we live and operate. This has been a scorching summer: London parks brown and dusty, suburban lawns gray, fierce heat melting the road surfaces. And then, as September opened, the glorious rain came, and everything became green and fresh. This afternoon, Sept. 8, walking through the delicious freshness with water pelting down, I had a quiet, insistent sense of drama: The news hadn’t been confirmed, but somehow it was, in the very rain, the autumn feel of things — the Queen was passing; an era was ending. And before we say anything else, let us say: God save the King, for the monarchy r...

A Tribute to My Queen…

As a spiritual mother and grandmother to millions, it seems fitting that she should have passed on the feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Heaven. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was the only British monarch the vast majority of my countrymen have ever known.  Most of us grew up with great admiration and filial affection for her — this formidable woman with an untiring sense of duty who was an example to us all. She was our sovereign for 70 years, and with her deep sense of service that emanated from her Christian faith, the Queen brought stability and unity to the whole nation.  One of my earliest childhood memories was of her Silver Jubilee in 1977 and, as with her Platinum Jubilee that providentially she was able to celebrate earlier this year, the Queen w...

A look back at Queen Elizabeth II’s encounters with five popes — Pius XII, John XXIII, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis…

By Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Sep 8, 2022 / 10:12 am With the Royal Family gathering in Balmoral Castle Thursday amid concerns for Queen Elizabeth II’s health, Catholic bishops in England and Wales have offered their prayers for her and her family.  Queen Elizabeth, who turned 96 in April, is England’s longest-serving monarch, having acceded to the throne in 1952 at age 25 after the death of her father, King George VI. In June, the United Kingdom celebrated Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years as monarch. Here is a look back at the five popes whom she met in her lifetime:  Pope Francis in 2014 Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity