
Mark Wahlberg’s ‘Father Stu’ movie edited down to get a PG-13 rating for re-release…

Mark Wahlberg’s Father Stu is getting a second chance. Per a Motion Picture Association bulletin, an edited version of the religious drama — titled Father Stu: Reborn — will be re-released with a PG-13 rating. First released to theaters in April during Holy Week, the true story about boxer-turned-Catholic priest Father Stuart “Stu” Long received an R rating for “language throughout.” The film, a passion project of two-time Oscar nominee Wahlberg, contains “nearly 40 F-words and other strong language,” including “5 sexual references, 51 scatological terms, 22 anatomical terms, 16 mild obscenities,” according to content tracking website Kids-In-Mind. Father Stu: Reborn is rated PG-13 “for language, an accide...

Video: Watch this angry man at a Catholic school kick a pro-life sign — which then flips over his head and lands upright…..

This is miraculous! On Nov. 8, the state of Michigan will vote on Proposition 3, the most extreme pro-abortion bill in the United States. If passed, this constitutional amendment will allow abortion up until and including the day of birth in Michigan. The bill also eliminates all previous pro-life laws, including those regarding partial-birth abortion. Bishop Earl Boyea of the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan began a campaign entitled, “Fight Like Heaven“ in response to the radical bill. The campaign’s mission brings awareness to the bill and calls Catholics to pray, fast, and vote against it. The bishop published an amazing video to his Twitter account showing an individual kicking a Catholic School’s “Fight Like Heaven” campaign sign. Rather than falling, the sign flips and lands upright, as...

How to teach like Socrates…

“Is questioning an educational process, Ischomachus? I’m asking because I’ve just understood your method of questioning me. You take me through points that I know, you show me that these points are no different from points I’d been thinking that I didn’t know, and thus you convince me, I think, that I do know the latter points too.”Xenophon’s Socrates in The Estate Manager Many have heard of the Socratic method of teaching and know that it centers on asking questions. It can seem rather suspect. How for instance can a person give a good answer if he has not already learned the point in question? I recall once a professor was unimpressed with a seminar session he observed that consisted exclusively in a teacher asking questions and eliciting discussion. The professor mused that the same res...

All Souls’ Day: ‘He Who Dwells in the Heavens Dwells Among the Most Insignificant to the World’…

By Francesca Merlo Presiding over Mass in St Peter’s Basilica offered in suffrage for the Cardinals and Bishops who died during the year, Pope Francis noted that two words struck him from the readings they just heard: expectation and surprise. Living in expectation Beginning with the first word, the Pope noted that expectation expresses the meaning of life, “because we live in expectation of the encounter: the encounter with God, which is the reason for our intercessory prayer today”. He explained that we all live in expectation, in the hope of one day hearing those words of Jesus: “Come, you blessed of my Father”. Pope Francis urged those present to ask themselves, “How does my waiting go? Do I go to the essentials or am I distracted by many superf...

Zacchaeus had three strengths that helped him to find and follow Jesus…

31st Sunday of Ordinary TimeBy Fr. Victor Feltes The Jews in Jericho looked down on Zacchaeus (and not just because he was short). He was a tax collector regarded as a sinner. When Zacchaeus chose his occupation he knew his neighbors would despise him. Even if he had never extorted or cheated anybody, he still would be resented for serving the unpopular political powers ruling over Israel. It’s easy to imagine him being insulted and shunned by the Jews in his territory. He needed a thick skin to do his job, caring little about what others thought of him. He was not only a tax collector but a chief tax collector, and this made him a very wealthy man. Yet his riches did not fulfill him. He was searching for something more than money and this led him to Jesus. “[Zacchaeus] was seeking to see ...

Pope Francis has surrounded himself with an unprecedented team of Jesuits — Hollerich, Czerny, Ghirlanda, Costa, Spadaro, Guerrero, Occhetta and Libanori…

> Italiano> English> Español> Français > All the articles of Settimo Cielo in English If you want to receive (or go back to receiving) a notification for every new article, click HERE and subscribe to the Newsletter from Settimo Cielo! * Incredible but true. Just now now when in a few decades it has lost a good half of its forces, the Society of Jesus has surged to the heights of command of the Catholic Church as never before. Francis’s story is well known. He is the first Jesuit pope in history: he who notwithstanding had more adversaries than friends in the Society and took care not to set foot in its general curia whenever he came to Rome as a cardinal. But the innovation is that in this last phase of his pontificate – declining in age but not in ambitions – Francis ...

St. Martin de Porres, and All You Holy Men and Women, Pray For Us…

My mother, Gerardine Ann Frawley, a former publisher of the Register, was just 21 when she began her life-long devotion to St. Martin de Porres. And though the 17th-century mixed-race Dominican from Peru and the Canadian-born child of Irish immigrants would appear to have little in common, St. Martin offered “Gerry” great comfort during some of the darkest moments of her life.  The story begins in 1945. Gerry had just delivered her first child, Frances, in California. A native of Vancouver, British Columbia, she had married my father, Patrick, toward the end of the Second World War, and the two were on their way to Nicaragua, where he would be working for his father, a successful British businessman.  But the young couple’s plans imploded when Gerry was diagnosed with active tube...

All Saints, Steubenville, Cardinal Zen, and the USCCB…

Hey everybody, Today is the great, good, and glorious feast of all saints, one of the most beautiful days on the Church’s calendar. I am genuinely excited for this feast, in which we thank God for the “great cloud of witnesses” with which we are surrounded. Of course, if today is All Saints, that means yesterday was Halloween. That means that in the portion of the day when I’m usually writing my newsletter, I was taking the Flynn children trick-or-treating instead. So if The Tuesday Pillar Post is a bit short today, well, the Flynn children took my newsletter writing time. Take it up with them. The news Seven months ago, Fr. David Morrier, TOR, once chaplain of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, pled guilty to one count of sexual battery, in a plea bargain that came after he was ac...

Who will be the next USCCB president? Let’s look at the field…..

WASHINGTON — The election of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ president is typically not a very suspenseful event: The general expectation is that the concluding term’s vice president will be elevated by his confreres to lead the conference over the following three-year term. For instance, outgoing USCCB president Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles served as conference vice president from late 2016 to 2019 prior to his own election to the presidency. But for the first time since 2010, this pattern will not repeat when the bishops gather Nov. 14-17 in Baltimore for their general assembly. Unlike in 2010, when the bishops surprisingly tapped Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York instead of the sitting USCCB vice president, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, for largely theolo...

Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of German Archbishop Ludwig Schick, Under Pressure for Handling of Sex Abuse Cases…

Archbishop Schick recently came under pressure for the handling of sexual abuse cases in his diocese. Pope Francis accepted the resignation of a German archbishop on Tuesday.  Archbishop Ludwig Schick of Bamberg had been in charge of the Bavarian archdiocese since 2002. Archbishop Schick recently came under pressure for the handling of sexual abuse cases in his diocese. The archbishop of the diocese in Southern Germany said in a statement published Nov. 1 that he had conveyed this request “to the Pope verbally and in writing during a private audience in April of this year, explaining it thus: I have fulfilled and completed my duties in the archdiocese.”  Archbishop Schick said the Pope had asked him to remain in office. “After presenting my reasons again, he then granted my reque...

Zacchaeus and the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time — ‘Today I Must Stay at Your House’…

SCRIPTURES & ART: Zacchaeus’ eyes are all for Jesus Christ Last week, Jesus taught us the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. As a result of how they prayed, the latter left the Temple justified, the former not. In last week’s essay, I suggested that while the publican’s prayer for mercy opened the way for a change of his life, we don’t know what happened. From the facial expression of the man on Fabritius’ painting, which we studied, it looked as if he was a man peacefully reflecting on what needed to change in his life. I even asked whether the justified tax-collector might be St. Matthew or Zacchaeus. Well, the story of Zacchaeus follows in this week’s Gospel. (In Luke 18 itself, when Jesus concludes the parable of the Pharisee and publican, he once again predicts his impendin...

Taylor Hackel, a John Paul II Institute student who went missing on Wednesday, has been found safe in Eastern Europe…..

GlobeNewswire Photobook and Album Market to Hit USD 4.42 Billion by 2029 | Industry to Generate 3.75% CAGR during (2022-2029) Companies covered in Photobook and Album Market are Utopia Deals (U.S.), Grund America (S.), Dunroven House (S.), Orahome (S), Iris Hantverk (Sweden), The DMC Corporation (France), MATTEO (U.S.), ELSATEX Ltd. (K.), Red Land Cotton (S.), Danica Studio (Canada), and more players profiled.Pune, India, Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to Fortune Business Insights™, the global photobook and album market size was valued at USD 3.36 billion in 2021 and USD 3.41 billion in 2022. The market is Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity